First grow- gonna' be crap?


So... Been smoking for yearss, but I'm tired of buying weed. Really, really tired of buying weed. Haha. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so we've got some decent stuff around, I'm just straight broke and finding a new job is proving difficult. So basically what I want to know is if the simple setup listed below will suffice, and what seeds would do well in such an environment.
(I've got to keep it simple, small and cheap because for the next six months I'm staying at my parents).

Basically what I'm planning on is getting some badass seeds, germinating, blah, blah blah... pretty average stuff up until the transplant, where I'll be just putting my plant in a pot filled with normal potting soil with a bare fluorescent bulb, watering, and keeping the PH between six and seven.
Any ideas for seeds that will do well?
Is this even going to work?

Thanks for helping out a total growing "noob".



Father, yes. Mother, blissfully unaware.
Did a little research(probably should have done that before I posted), and was looking at feminized AK-48? The main attraction to that particular strain for me is the fast finish they advertise. Suitable for the environment I plan on using?


Well-Known Member
I grew ak48, it didn't seen to finish any faster than any other strain for me atleast, the smoke was good tho

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If you are going to use CFLs just make sure its the right color temp for the job(6500k veg/2700k flower). I wouldn't spend too much money on seed stock at this stage as there is so many things that can go wrong with your first grow. Most people make the mistake of over water/feeding them but there are a myriad of other things you will only learn from experience.
Don't expect to make much money off one plant in cheap potting mix under a CFL. You probably won't make enough to support your habit depending on how much you smoke. There could be huge ramifications for you and your family if you get caught growing pot. I advise that if you are going to take the risk it had better be worth it. The more you put into the initial setup the more you will get out of it in the long run. If you want great producing indoor plants the best way IMO is hydroponics under HID. A simple 2 plant setup can cost as little as $250 new, even less if you can find a cheap second hand grow light. It might seem like a lot of money but if your growing to sell your setup will pay for its self many times over in the first three months if everything goes smoothly. People say that you should start off in soil and progress to hydroponics as your experience grows but I've found that a properly setup hydroponics system it far easier to work with than soil (less variables).


Oh, I'm definitely not looking to sell. I live in a tiny town and everybody who sells gets caught, no matter what.
I do have a few seeds that I got in the last sack I bought, should I just see if they will sprout and start experimenting? Sorry to be suuuch a newbie, but is there a post/video that will tell me all about the different stages, such as veg and flower? Thank you for the advice on the light.

When I get back on my feet and find a new place I will for sure be getting more serious about growing and won't have a problem dropping 250 on a setup. At the moment it is a little over the top for me. But I've always been interested in growing and figured, why not start now?


Active Member
I think you have to take a look at a book called ''Grow Buds for Less'' (if your planning on growing indoors). It's a good book, man.
I would go with some decent autos for a 1st grow, then just leave em at 18/6 the whole time and in 7-10 weeks from sprout you'll have nuggets....wish I knew about em when I started....they'd be just about cured right now instead of 3 weeks from getting chopped....


I'm sorry. I have no idea what an auto is, and no clue what 18/6 is referring to. Is that the light/no light ratio?


Well-Known Member
yes and auto flowers are plants the no matter wha tlight they have the will produce a bud.

whats ur soil like? any perlite or somethng in it? cause if its just dont it will get to compacted for the water and your roots wont grow


Where would one acquire auto flowers?

Soil is another thing I'm clueless about. I read Widow Maker's "How to grow Marijuana" sticky, and figured I would find one of the three soils he mentioned, since he seemed to get solid results from them all. Miracle Grow, Scott's, and Fox Farms are what he has listed there...


Active Member
I don't know from experience, but I've seen a lot of people on here mention that AK-48 is a quite strong smelling one if that sort of thing is a concern

Don't be discouraged by anyone, you can definitely have success with a low budget grow. Obviously you won't get the same growth or yield of a higher end setup, but you can def get the job done well.


Where would one acquire auto flowers?

Soil is another thing I'm clueless about. I read Widow Maker's "How to grow Marijuana" sticky, and figured I would find one of the three soils he mentioned, since he seemed to get solid results from them all. Miracle Grow, Scott's, and Fox Farms are what he has listed there...

get fox farms light warrior for seedlings, and fox farms ocean forest for when u transplant.

FoxFarm is supreme over the others


Yeah, I'm not preparing to get like, six ounces out of the plant. Lol. This is more of an experiment, especially because the sack I got the seed out of wasn't exceptional to start with, :).

So, Fox Farms, and somebody mentioned Perlite? I did a little bit of reading and the general consensus seems to be one third should be Perlite and the rest Fox Farms?


Well-Known Member
I don't know from experience, but I've seen a lot of people on here mention that AK-48 is a quite strong smelling one if that sort of thing is a concern

Don't be discouraged by anyone, you can definitely have success with a low budget grow. Obviously you won't get the same growth or yield of a higher end setup, but you can def get the job done well.
I was just gonna say something about the smell..good post :)

Your better off with something like Northern Lights #5 if you wanna a low key grow going on ;-)


Well-Known Member
My suggestion to you is to not grow autoflowers. I did for my first grow and stunted all 4 of them and only yielded around 10 grams. My temperatures were fluctuating too much and I fed them unnecessary nutrients early on. Go with normal strains because if you stunt them at the beginning, you can just let them veg longer. With autos, they flower based on age.