First Grow (Growroom)- White Widow


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This is our first ever attempt at growing, so any feedback would be welcomed and appreciated. :joint:

Our setup:

  • Secret Jardin DarkRoom (1m x 1m x 1.8m)
  • 600W Maxibright Compact Cooltube (with a dual spectrum light that came included)
  • RVK 125L1 Fan + 125mm Carbon filter (342m3 /hr)
  • 2 Desk fans for inside the tent ventilation/breeze

We ordered 5x White Widow seeds, and got 2 free seeds (california hash and blue hash). We are growing in soil with an 85% soil / 15% Perlite mix.

8 June: Germinated 4x white widow seeds (as we had only purchased 4 air pots, originally planned to keep the rest of the seeds for the next grow).

11 June: Transferred the sprouted seeds from tissue into their first pots.

13 June: Worried that the recently emerged seedlings looked weak, we germinated the other 3 seeds (1x WW, 1x cali hash, 1x blue hash)

16 June: Transferred White widow and cali hash into first pots, blue hash never sprouted :confused: :cry: .

Watered the plants daily and they grew pretty healthily, apart from one of the original white widows, which had a weak stem and was bending over a lot. We decided due to space issues in the tent to eliminate that one, in favour of the new white widow which was bigger than that one by that time.

2 July: Repot into larger 13cm square pots (white widow) and a 16cm diameter circular pot for the california hash.

<we had to go to a wedding from the morning of 4th July - evening 5th July>

5 July: DISASTER - we arrive home to find that the external vent taking the hot air out of the window, has fallen down, the room that the tent is in is really hot! Fortunately, the light was still at the top of the tent, and it didn't seem to have been like that for the whole time we were gone, but there was still some burn damage to the leaves on the bigger plants. We were so upset, we could have cried! We drenched the soil with water, holding the plants over the bath, and we left them in the bathtub in a cooler light for a few hours.

They seem to have recovered, apart from a few dead leaves on the bottom.

13 July: We realise we should lower the light, as it has been at the top of the tent for over a month. Since we only had one light to use, we didn't want to damage / overexpose them to too much heat or light, when they were little seedlings. But they are looking bushy and healthy now, and the fans have created thick strong stems. Not sure of exact distance the light should be, but we used the back of our hands to test, and moved it to 2ft away from the top of the highest plant.

15 July: Repot the 4 white widows into air pots (i think 6L pots?) since the little square ones are looking too small. Pruned the lower branches off that had dead leaves from the light burn 10 days ago, and to make it easier to access the soil for watering.

Moved the light closer, about 1ft away, and started 16 / 8 light cycle.

Pictures to follow shortly.


Active Member
June 18th: Plants at 10 days old (or 5 for Cali and 1 WW)
The weak white widow with the bent stem

June 25th: (17/12 days old)

The older white widows:

Cali Hash:

Younger WW (12days):


Active Member
Didn't get a chance to get any pictures of them for around a month, so completely missed a chance to take pictures of the white widows in their square pots. Repotted last night and these are the results:

Our current tent set-up:

The California Hash:

The younger White Widow:

Other White Widows:


Leaves on the California Hash:

Really tried to get a better picture of the big leaves on the cali hash, the edges seem to be slightly yellowing, is this a nutrient deficiency?

We haven't used any nutrients yet, due to not being 100% sure what ones to buy. Any recommendations would be appreciated, thanks!


Active Member
I'm about to buy 1L each of BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom. Will these be enough nutrients for my babies? Or is there something I'm missing?
I'm about to buy 1L each of BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom. Will these be enough nutrients for my babies? Or is there something I'm missing?
It MAY be enough. It depends on the concentration and application and your feeding schedule and dosage. One liter is alot. Do you know how to mix? Did the nutes come with instructions?


Active Member
Hello, yeah instructions were on the bottle.

Instructions say 2-4ml per Litre of water, that's what we've been making up. The first 2 times we did 1.5ml per litre and now we're adding 3ml per litre.

The plants drink about a litre of water each feed, we've added nutrients with the last 4 feeds (once a day) because I was worried they had a deficiency of some sort. There have been tiny light yellow spots forming on random leaves, I've been looking at lots of nutrient threads but none of them seem to exactly match my plant. It looks most like a calcium deficiency but not so orangey.

I read yesterday we should only be adding nutes once a week, so going to cut them out again until monday and feed them again, is this more realistic?


Active Member
Also, the plants are about 15inches tall now, and have been vegging for almost a month now. It shouldn't have taken as long but we didn't lower the light quickly enough so set ourselves back. We were too scared to burn them... rather do my first grow slowly than fuck it all up completely...

Do you think it's time to switch to 12/12 ?


Active Member
Switched to 12/12 today, got some more pics....

I kinda overwatered the cali hash at the front (overcompensating for the smaller pot)

They're looking much taller and bushier now though

The spots on the leaves are worrying, does anyone know what they are ?


Also, the stems for the leaves with the patchy bits are turning a bit reddish-brown... bad quality pics, camera phone :/


Active Member
Read up more and realised 2ml / litre should be better for them, fed them this morning. Since yesterday there have been yellow leaves on the bottom, think this might be due to a nitrogen deficiency.

Was worried about nutrient lock-out so I bought a pH meter (the bits of paper were crap). Turns out pH is WAY UP at 8.0 :shock: I have pH down but not sure how much to mix up.


The girls in the growtent:

Cali Hash:
White Widows:

Yellow leaves on the cali:

Yellow leaves on the widows:

Red stems on the widows on the affected leaves:
Tops of the Widows - starting to see tiny hairs but couldn't get it in focus..

Can anyone advise me if this is in fact a nutrient deficiency, I don't want to add more nutrients and make the problem worse due to misdiagnosis.

Also, anyone have any guidance on how much pH down to use?