First grow. Guess the yield.

You have no argument, stay in the shadows boy. Tell me what I have said that you disagree with?
You have no argument, stay in the shadows boy. Tell me what I have said that you disagree with?
Are you blind? I just told you I disagree with you telling another member how to calculate their yield when you were asking the same question. But all of the sudden you're an expert in this subject. Oh and let's all keep in mind, this is your first grow
Mr. Goodson, may I call you Gary? Don't always assume what you read to be the truth. Please tell me how you would improve my mathematical equation for a first time grower? I'm all ears.
They do look nice and there is nothing wrong with being new to this. I'm not knocking you because you're new. I'm knocking you because a little humility goes a long way
Point taken, but these "noobies" really are excited and want to know the yield. What is wrong with formulating a mathematical equation to help people out. Rather than put me down for trying to help, why don't improve improve the equation? Sorry for the attacks.
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Mr. Goodson, may I call you Gary? Don't always assume what you read to be the truth. Please tell me how you would improve my mathematical equation for a first time grower? I'm all ears.
The truth is, there is no real mathematical equation to quess anyone's yield. Yes we can all strive for 1 gpw, but it's not the word of God.