First grow, having problems with germination

Hey guys this is my first post, I just make an account. Prior to this I was a major lurker to gather information for my first grow. Anyways heres my dilemma and I'm going to make it as detailed as possible to get the best answer:

I ordered 6 seeds. Lets call them A, B, C, D, E and F. I put A B C and D in a paper towel and did the paper towel method (thats 4 seeds). And dropped E and F in a cup filled with distilled water. I put all the seeds in a dark cabinet and waited about 2 days. Seeds A, B and C all cracked and had about a quarter inch white root sticking out. As for seed D, E and F they were still in the process. I kind of panicked at this point and decided to drop seed D into a cup of water to join E and F, assuming the paper towel method wasn't working for it. When I dropped it in, it immediately sank. To this point see E and F were floating until I shook them a little and they sank to. The next day seed E and F had about a quarter inch root sticking out so I planted those too. Seed D is on its 4th day and its just chillin at the bottom of the cup. So... is it a bad seed? Did i somehow "shock" the seed by dropping it in water? Also I read on the forum if the seed sinks that it means its MOST LIKELY a good seed, so a sign of hope. But idk guys what do yall think??? THANKS!


The seed wouldn't sprout in the cup. it needs oxygen.
The cup method is good for getting the seed to absorb 100% water in it and then you have to plant it in your mediem in order for it to sprout.
it depends im on my second grow, and erm it depends how warm or cold the water is, if the water is cold or below the warm temmp it will putt in shock and just wont grow, apparently they normally sink , soo dont be too distraught about that, i think the paper towel way is the best. i get an old butter box with lid, i put 2 paper towels down, boil the kettle, put a small amount in a separete cup and add cold water to make it just above luke warm, then put the warmed water in the butter box thing, place the seeds, annother 2 towels over the seed, then put the cover over the box to hold a steady temp, i store it in my wardrobe coz its a warm and dry place. just started growing a tai strain, it was growing really fast , now the leaves are curling out of no where and im concerened aswell sooo yh your not the only one mate. good luck
So at this point what should i do? Plant the seed, which is at the bottom of the cup directly into the soil or go back to the papertowel method?


Just plant them in your medium and keep it warm and moist. If you leave it in the cup for more time the seed will rot and it will be useless.