An od of N is alot more possible then a ph prob. That was my next suggestion. if you know your moisture is right , then its something to do with food, either too much or not enough. i would go 2 or 3 waterings with no food, if you are using ro water , then a drop or 2 of calmag wont hurt. Pics for deficiencys are very hard to use. Most of those pics are "control plants" that have had a perfect amount of everything but the one thing they are talking about. So yes , thats what that def looks like but add that to a OD of N and a short of K and you end up with leaves that match a zinc def. so they are just very hard to read.
If your food has micro-nutes in it then the extra shit is completly unessacary. Its just a matter of using the right ratio's of NPK and micro-nutes. I would have to know the npk of all your foods combined to help with that.
if you dont mind post all your foods/additives NPK and i'll try to figure it out.