FIRST GROW! help me out TAKE A LOOK!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks man!

i placed 1 of my purple #1 seeds in a shot glass untop of a warm surface and it cracked.... only took around 30 hrs for that method... all my aurora seeds are in a paper towel..... im pretty sure it will be atleast till jan before i harvest... they r pretty big , so im hoping for a good amount off of them.... ur right tho ... a lonnnnng way to go ...


Well-Known Member
so far these are some problems i have noticed....

purple stems- related to cold weather at night.... dunno what im gonna do about this

leaves dying at the bottom... (have no idea why)

anyone kno if any of these are huge problems ... or what i need to do to fix these


Well-Known Member
ya thanks man... white widow.. lol i never figured it would be this white but ya all the hairs are juss white ... they look good in real life i wish i could get a better camera so i can get some good close ups... but thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Try to get the temps up, although your plants should still be ok, I have purple stems but it can't be because of the cold, I'm thinking something else or could be the strain, my temps are good 68 - 69 when lights are off and 75 - 80 when lights are on.

The botom leaves are probably dying because of lack of light.. I'm thinking leaves yellowing and falling off is completely normal during the flowering stage, mine are doing this as I type, I'm not worried about it because the buds are still looking good and have plenty more leaves, I just let them yellow and die off, I try not to remove them but sometimes they will break when I move to water...

Good job thus far, keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
ya i fig the dying leaves are normal.... the temps seem to stay around 70 with lights on and a lil bit cooler lights off... i may get a small cheap heater and stick it in the room or something i guess its been getting really cold


Well-Known Member
hey yall im bored the lights are getting ready to switch off and be dark, as soon as they do im gonna take a pic of my new set up and everything how they look ect. so try to stay online and kick it with ya boy hockey 19.. ya dig


Well-Known Member
i got my new light in today and the grow room is bangin.. yall know u wanna see it ... chill smoke a bowl and enjoy..


Well-Known Member
lol fo sho u gonna like these ones they uploadin right now u know how my luck is with gettin them to upload but i think its almost done.... hold up


Well-Known Member
im not even sure if thats the right way to use that exhaust fan but i fig it is... makes sense atleast? am i right? its taking away some of the heat it seems from the 400 watt but its about 85 with lights on so i think thats juss about right. i have a fan outside the closet blowin fresh air in... like u can see, it is not totally inclosed and is a sliding closet... so the air circulation is good... also if you look close, u can see how i tied up the plants especially the one on the right. it looks like a fish hook... im gonna see how it works out. but so far all is good.. got alot more light power on them... i wanna feed them somthing to increase the bud size and potency, anyone have any suggestions ?


Well-Known Member
its white widow strain so im sure it will be real potent but maybe something to feed it besides the botanicare pure blend pro bloom 1.5-4-5 im feeding it right now to increase bud and all that good stuff....

any suggestions greatly appreciated...


Well-Known Member
feed it some PROTEIN!!! everyone tells me you need protein to get big. nah idk. i heard fox farms stuff is good and have you thought of using molasses/sugar? bigger buds i hear.


Well-Known Member
ya i heard about the molasses... how does that work exactly.. 1 dessert spoon per feeding along with your bloom nutes?? or feed the molasses seperate?


Well-Known Member
but hey magusall did u see those pics? were the viewable? and i see your signature says ya dig... u a lil wayne fan ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ejaculate into a gallon bucket and ad water, lmao I'm sorry I couldn't resist .

Damn dude! your new setup looks nice, I dig the pot leaf, did it come with that? too bad I don't know anything about them yet.

I use the fox farm products, grow big/tiger bloom, I was lucky to find it near me, check the following link, maybe you will have some luck as well.

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

I was recently turned on to the following link, PIMP aka DVD was kind enough to throw it my way, so now I'm paying it forward.

I recently started the molasses, says best toward end of harvest, I found out that there are several benefits of using molasses as you will too, if you visit the link above..