First grow, help!

Mr. Juana


  • ok guys, so i'm doing my first grow here soon. Im growing in the woods, somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 plants. I cannot get fox farms or any high end stuff. So im thinking, whats another good commercial soil, preferable one I can find at walmart, HD, lowes, etc. Also whats some good ferts or veg or flowering? (again commercial) Also how often and how much (gallon measurements) should I water these babies? Thank you so much im such a newb at this...hoping to be better in the Future! Also just general stuff like how fat down Gould I put seedling, seedling spacing, amount of water for seedlings. Sorry but I want a good harvest:p

hey im also a newb but maybe i can help a little lol i had the same prob getting supplies so i got the miracle grow 6 month feed and put em in 5 gallon pots and let em do there thing... i water em only when the top soil is crunchy and so far they are 6 inches tall and about 4 weeks old. only problem im having is that its been cold lately so my plants stopped growing so i jus brought em inside and out em under a light hope it helps. good luck!!!!