first grow how am i doing ? :)


Well-Known Member
Try to keep the buds away from the wall as possible. Tents tend to squeeze by the vent fan. Why is the plant droopy on the bottom left corner? Watering too often? Overall, looks the way they should in 2 weeks. Remember enjoy every moment. There are many methods to play with your plants besides topping. I have done them all except scrog. All methods will give you almost the same yield depending on how you train them. As for scrog I can't really say it will produce more. However, scrog would probably provide more even buds all around the plant.


New Member
super lemon haze seed attitude seedbank ( big plant) and the other two world of seeds pakistan valley and super critical how am i doing guys im having an issue of slower growth and looks like streaks of dark lines on the leaves and may have low phosphorus or sulfer/zink ph 59-63 temps 80-77 on and off cycles 18-6 help please thanxIMG_2862.jpgIMG_2866.jpgIMG_2867.jpgIMG_2878.jpgIMG_2883.jpgIMG_2882.jpg


thanks :) and reason the one in the left is droopy is because the fan was blowing on it at the time I took the picture haha , and okay thanks I'll move them away from the wall , cheers for the tip


New Member
kiss-assthanx for reply on pix darth .. i found it really early of a mag/sulfur i dosed em up with magnum from humbolt nutrients and they got a lil bigger and better colored too here are some pix from 2011 when i was boss at this shit


update on my plants , just about 3 weeks into flowering , someone told me on the site their sativa so should expect 10 + weeks to flower ?, not proper bud on the plants yet but getting quite thick now , the main colar is only producing bud down to a certain point, will it just keep producing bud at the top at the plant grows ? , heres a picture tell me what you think :)IMG-20130827-00366.jpg ( not a very good picture :( bad phone )


thanks peace, how many weeks do you expect flower time ? and do they look right for 3 weeks ? , sorry for noob questions just my first grow so don't know what to expect haha


IMG-20130827-00366.jpgIMG-20130829-00374.jpg update on grow , 3 weeks into flower :) , just bought new nutes bio bloom and some other which shop guy said will give you big thick buds, some major flowering powder ? anyways :)