Welcome to the board. I'm relatively new here also, but I've been growing for a little over 10 years. In the short time I've been here I've learned a lot, so I'm sure you'll pick things up right away. I think you're doing the right thing starting out with soil. Too many people dive right into hydro, which is not quite as forgiving as soil can be. Honestly, there's nothing I like more than a good, clean organic grow. You just can't beat the taste. If you haven't read the
GrowFAQ yet, I highly recommend it. It's got all the important fundamentals covered, and is pretty well organized. It's definitely a must-read for anyone starting their first grow.
Looking at your plants, it looks like they could use more light. You mentioned upgrading your lighting system to include some CFLs and maybe an HPS. Since you're working with a limited budget, do what's cheapest right away. Get some low-cost CFLs and get them running ASAP. Also, try to move your existing flourescent lights closer to the top of the plants. Those lights usually run quite cool and can be safely lowered to about 2"-3" above the tops of the plants. The closer you can get the lights, the better. When you do upgrade to an HPS system, you'll need to be more careful about buring the tops of your plants because an HPS light generates quite a bit of heat.
Other than that, things look good. Make sure you don't over-water them. It's probably the #1 mistake made by first-time growers. You want to thoroughly saturate the soil, then allow it to dry out almost completely. Doing this will encourage the roots to spread out in search of water, colonizing all the available soil. Depending on the size of your containers, one good, heavy watering every 3-5 days is appropriate. You can also give them a nice misting with clean water once or twice a day. In about a week, you can give them their first feeding with a light dose of nutes high in nitrogen. Start out at between 25%-50% of the recommended strength the first time, and you can gradually bring up the concentration if you find that they are showing signs of deficiency.
Keep up the good work and keep us updated. Post pics regularly if you can... we all love bud-porn