First Grow. How are they looking?

wish i could afford an hps. Not saying its any better. Didnt know that they dont add like that. Im still counting on it being enough light for now. Im just tryin to keep the little babies alive. I'm going to germinate a couple more and start them off in a more stable environment. The plants I got have lived through too many variations as i've set this up. Growth is slow and leaves are growing at odd angles. Hopefully they like the new lights :D
Heres some new pictures. The leaf bending and tilting of the plants is correcting itself since I added the new lights. I am worried for one of the plants - took some root damage after a transplant. Since then it falls over when i water it :(. Despite that it somehow keeps growing. These plants are really just test plants to work the kinks out of my process. I think I am ready to start again.

Next couple projects will be a DIY filter and a more effective ventilation system.

I think my plants are just finishing the seedling phase. Anyone have opinions about topping, or LST? I know at some point i need to control their height and I dont plan to veg them out too much.

Also, there is a spot on one of the leaves (pic with the fingers in it). I just started feeding them and my hypothesis is nute burn from a drop hitting a leaf. Anyone know what that is?

and i think the 3rd pic shows the one with the damaged roots - one of the leaves is curling up around the edges - meh its lasted longer than i hoped so far. Can anyone tell me what the curling leaves are from (if its not already from the root damage)?


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Bad news :( my grow is over. Today my house exploded and everything was destroyed. Good thing i wasnt inside...

My life is over


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R U SERIOUS BRO??? What the hell happened?? No shit, are those really pics of your house?
noway man!! wow!! thank god you werent in there!! hopefully your just bs'n us man. if not im sorry for your loss. peace.
wow that is some fucked up shit... sorry for cusing... was it your grow room or you pulling 1000 legs... Shit that would be bad news if its real... Sorry for your lose... but at least you alive!
lol wtf ppl u think his house exploded and he took the time to get pictures and post em here? sounds like he got paranoid as hell n just posted this story ....
nobody actually knows... i wasnt there so who am i too judge. right now my plants dieing would be just as bad as my house blowing up. i would be super pissed either way. peace.
I think his house really did blow up. It probably caught fire, which was why he was outside able to take pics of it. Then the fire probably hit the oil tank or gas line causing the explosion. I don't think he'd lie about that if he was really just having a problem with his plants. Of course everything I just said is pure speculation, but that's about the most feasible scenario I can come up with.