First grow, how do they look


Active Member
I am growing outdoors in 4 gallon pots and they will b two months old in 2 days, and they are 2 feet in length and 1 1/2 feet in width. they look real nice, but just trying to give you an idea of how they get outside. just wait one day your going to look at them and those babys are going to be huge. just have patience.:weed:


Well-Known Member
this cat i used to work for had one plant in an outdoor green house and yielded almost four pounds offa that one tree...and trust me, it looked like a small kid could climb the shit thats why im callin it a tree


Active Member
Waitin is the hard part. How often should I water with the nutes, i'm using a 16-16-16 organic Maxsea fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
depends on how tall u want them to get? u can top them and they will bush out and have many main colas when in flowering dont forget they get 2-3 times there size. i water every 3-4 days every 2 feedings with nutes then the third watering with ph'd water at 6.5. not sure if u understand that, i water with nutes wait 3-4 days water with nutes again, then wait 3-4 days then give them ph'd water. also when giving nutrients read the label it will say 1 tblspoon do a 1/4 of that till they build up a tolerance, if u notice burn flush them with 3times the ammount of water as there is soil.

also note when ur in veggetative state u want lots of nitrogen to help with new growth!


Well-Known Member
bobbave, dont worry bro, ur set, ur legal u got ur medicinal license and you have 4 amazing strains already outdoors, outdoor grows usually dont run into problems unless you have
1)animals eating ur shit (deers) in whcihc case, just have a shotty ready and buckshot those bitch niggas if ur in a region of CA near wild shit
2)u telling somebody or someone just finding your weed and takin it
3) Since youre legal nothing can go wrong, the sun is the best fucking source you can get, it has no intensity limit in regards to the earth, and a little water should be good.
Just make sure you dont overnute, remember this species has survived many a millenia without human artificial fertilization, , while they are that small id say use 2/3 of the ratio of what your nutes say to give them, till they are all healthy, then use the proper directions


Well-Known Member
and dont nute more than once every other watering thats the most you should ever do, and i would water them every 2-3 days yourself if it doesnt rain, , i can see your new to smoking, so just start browsing through the forums at your own leisure and chances are youll find out everything else you need to know
go to the step by step guides and all that, you will be good to go, matter a fact, your already good to go those plants are healthy enough to not be worrying, almost every first grow has MAJOR problems, and as of now you have only began to tippy toe into minor ones, so just relax, and let nature do her work


Active Member
Thanks for all the replys. Yea, i'm a seasoned smoker, just never grown before. I've been taking your advice, and only mixed a little over a half of the reccomended dose for the nutes. Watered with nutes mixed in twice in a row, about every 2-3 days, then going to do straight water for a day.

They seem to be doing pretty well, the grape ape has about 11 nodes (i think they are called nodes, sets of leaves), and the others are gaining height. The kush has a fatty stem also.

Don't have to worry about deer, in a backyard with fence, not telling anyone else about the grow, and its all legal ( i love CA)

Hope it all goes well.


Well-Known Member
HEY bobbave, I am in CA too, tell me what and how do you go about getting a medical marijuana card?
I am also new to growing, good luck man.


Active Member
There are literally thousands of posts all over the net on how to get legal... search next time.

You have to have an disorder/issue that a doctor thinks mj might help, they them recommend it for you in written form.


Well-Known Member
Waitin is the hard part. How often should I water with the nutes, i'm using a 16-16-16 organic Maxsea fertilizer.
almost every question people ask can be found with a search .... , but just thought some first hand knowledge would be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
from what i hear in cali u tell doc u have anxiety or bad back or migraines...he gives u script and u go to dispencery not sure where all the dispencery are located good luck


Active Member
what the fuck, if thats true im moving to cali. i am diagnosed with non typical migraines, but every time i smoke weed i dont get them as often. so i smoke everyday!