First grow how does it look and some questions...


Hey i was wondering if ya guys would tell me if everything looks good here.. this is is my first grow and i ended up getting the bigger one from a friend.. I am told it was a clone but i have no clue on how old it is or what kind it is.. I was also wondering when i transplant it should i take it from the cup right to the final pot or should i take sizes in steps? When should i transplant them?
Also does everything look good with the plant the leaves being like a canoe shape had me wondering also it is a light green color i always thought they should be a darker green..

The second one is just some random bag seed i found.. Just gonna see what happens with that one..
I have them under four 26 watt cfl's one 6000k and one 2500k on each plant. The lights are around 3 inches from the top of the plant..
With a fan blowing on them..



Well-Known Member
Without any temp info, I would guess you are a little warm in there, with the canoing.
Any idea of the age? Are you feeding anything?
The bigger one, I would go ahead and t-plant, then feed after a couple days.


Without any temp info, I would guess you are a little warm in there, with the canoing.
Any idea of the age? Are you feeding anything?
The bigger one, I would go ahead and t-plant, then feed after a couple days.
I dont have a temp gauge yet i was planing on getting one here soon. I really have no clue on age wish i did i maybe able to ask the guy i got it from tomorrow and see if he knows..
Havent feed nothing yet.. I live out in the sticks and i wasn't planing on starting this right now but it just happen to fall in my lap..

My plan was to use some fish tank waste water from cleaning the bottom of the tank.. It is full of fish crap and i know it works good on our tomatoes and our grass is always green where i dump it.. Dont know if it would work as good for these plants tho..

Should i transplant right in to the 3 gallon pot and have that as its final pot?


I checked the temp with a thermostat i had laying around.. It was around 82 84 degs down in the bottom of my grow box. i opened up the door and moved the fan around and it is down below 80degs now..


Well-Known Member
Yes, transplant right into the 3gal pot, that will be large enough to support its life cycle. Mostly try to only transplant once because it stresses the plant. Mj for the most part takes lower npk levels. Using the the fish crap could burn the plants so be careful. Mix only a little at a time with some water. Store bought nutes might be a better option for a first grow. Store bought nutes can burn plants real easy also. Start off with no more than a 1/4 dose. I have used MG bloom Booster 15 30 15 before. Started the plants off on 1/6 of the recommended dose. Only moved up to 2/6 for the last few feeds. You will have to find out what works best for you. Everything changes when you use different soil and strains. gl hope it goes well :leaf:


Thanks High i know i can get some MG nutes next time i hit a bigger store.. I hate to spend a crap load on Nute mainly because im not sure how many plants i will grow.. This is just kind of a test and just to see what happens..

So far in to this whole grow i have less then 30 bucks so if it dont work out then im not out a whole lot..

here is a couple new pics of them i transplanted the one last night..
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