First grow how does it look?


Hey guys this is my first grow using MG organic soil. It has been two months and the plant is still growing but I don't know if it's supposed to look like this... Here are two pics any input or advice would be awesome!

Mary 2.jpgMary 1.jpg


Active Member
Well, ditch any miracle grow products you have. Seriously! Mg means death for MJ. Get some new soil, I use Fox Farms ocean forest. Check out my pics of my girls when they were 2 weeks old, You'll see a difference. You came to the right place for advice, everything I know I learned here. Good luck!


Active Member
at 3 and a half weeks. Don't mind the yellow leaf, she grew so fast she went right into the light! She's an Easyryder2, the pot she is in is over ten inches across.



Well I am using 4 Daylight CFL's separated by those y attachments. Also how hard would it be to transplant into some new soil? I hope its not to late for the plant itself.


Active Member
Thanks! Never give up!!!! look at my post about my massive failure and see what i was able to do with a 2 month old plant with only 4 leaves and barely hanging on to life. The thing is, you can veg as long as you like. So, change your soil and transplant her. I was using 6 26 watt, 6500k cfl's at the start. Now all my plants are under those same cfl's and one 250 watt metal halide. I suggest Earth juice for nutes and something I found at wal-mart called superthrive. It's a mixture of over 50 vitamins and hormones and is safe to give every time you water. Don't give up on that little girl just yet, lower your lights, transplant her, feed her good, and watch her explode with growth. Good luck!!!!!!


Active Member
I agree, a few of my plants had major problems. One almost died because a light fell on it! But I didn't give up on it and with some TLC she came back and now she's gorgeous! Remember, plants want to live! They will fight hard to survive no matter what, but they need your love and care to truly meet their full potential. Good luck to you, and don't be afraid to ask questions.


Thanks a ton for the suggestions, I really appreciate all the tips, I will start my switch and then let you know if she turned around. I appreciate the warm welcoming to this site!


Thank you for the hope lol. I am so attached to this plant (it sounds weird I know) so I was nervous as hell, but again thank you!


Well-Known Member
The MG organic soil is good enough to use don't let the MG haters get to you. The plant in my profile pic has been grow with all MG nutrients so far and is looking good to me. Your plant looks a little stretchy to me so i would add some lights but 4 CFL's should have better results than that IMO. Do you know the spectrum they are and the watts?


I have heard MG organic can work so I mean I totally believe you. However I still want to try that soil the one guy suggested just to see if I get better results. That organic soil I have now has produced flies which I am not happy about... anyways to your question, I am using the daylight bulbs which are 23 watt and the daylight runs and 6,500 kelvin I believe it may be higher but I know thats at least what it is. The 23 watts are equal to 60 watt Fluorescent so maybe I dont have the lights close enough, I was just afraid of the plant getting burnt.
Thanks! Never give up!!!! look at my post about my massive failure and see what i was able to do with a 2 month old plant with only 4 leaves and barely hanging on to life. The thing is, you can veg as long as you like. So, change your soil and transplant her. I was using 6 26 watt, 6500k cfl's at the start. Now all my plants are under those same cfl's and one 250 watt metal halide. I suggest Earth juice for nutes and something I found at wal-mart called superthrive. It's a mixture of over 50 vitamins and hormones and is safe to give every time you water. Don't give up on that little girl just yet, lower your lights, transplant her, feed her good, and watch her explode with growth. Good luck!!!!!!
You didn't happen to top that plant of yours did you? My grow room is SUPER short (like I'll have to force flower at about 3 1/2 - 4 feet tall) so I need to go the extremely bushy route that your plant went. I've read up on topping and super cropping which is what I'm going to try (my first grow) ... I'm using a SunBlaze T5 putting out 2,000 lumens in a cool blue color and the only other light I had laying around was a Sylvania 120 watt infrared heat lamp (not good i know) but i have the heat lamp a good height above the plant so it doesn't burn but still adds to the light spectrum... I know I need better lights but right now money just doesn't allow for it (should have one of these in about 4-5 weeks though -®-Grow-Light-Fixture/dp/B001JL0BWG/ref=dp_return_1?ie=UTF8&n=286168&s=garden ) Anyways will topping make my plant that busy in just 4 weeks? (Sorry for the thread hi-jack but I figured it kinda fits into this thread)


Well-Known Member
I have heard MG organic can work so I mean I totally believe you. However I still want to try that soil the one guy suggested just to see if I get better results. That organic soil I have now has produced flies which I am not happy about... anyways to your question, I am using the daylight bulbs which are 23 watt and the daylight runs and 6,500 kelvin I believe it may be higher but I know thats at least what it is. The 23 watts are equal to 60 watt Fluorescent so maybe I dont have the lights close enough, I was just afraid of the plant getting burnt.
Yeah thats probably it then you can get those CFL pretty close (Like 2-3 inches away) and the plants will be fine. Seems like your doing everying pretty good keep up the good work and move those lights a little closer. And i am using FFOF on my indoors and it is a very good soil no doubt, and if your willing to spend the extra money (around $25 a bag around here) then go for it. How much longer do you plan on vegging?


Yeah thats probably it then you can get those CFL pretty close (Like 2-3 inches away) and the plants will be fine. Seems like your doing everying pretty good keep up the good work and move those lights a little closer. And i am using FFOF on my indoors and it is a very good soil no doubt, and if your willing to spend the extra money (around $25 a bag around here) then go for it. How much longer do you plan on vegging?
Sweet I will check out that soil as well. The pH has not been a challenge for me with this grow which I have been grateful for, so does that soil have good pH content? Also I think that I am going to Veg for about another month if it picks up or until mid late September. What do you think? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sweet I will check out that soil as well. The pH has not been a challenge for me with this grow which I have been grateful for, so does that soil have good pH content? Also I think that I am going to Veg for about another month if it picks up or until mid late September. What do you think? :confused:
lol sorry i confused you FFOF is the same soil the other guy was talking about (Fox Farm Ocean Forest). And as for the pH question i have never checked it and also never have had a problem thankfully. How long you veg is all up to you my man, if you have the space then go for it. I was only asking because if you were going to flower soon im pretty sure it would be pointless to transplant becuse the roots dont grow much in flower. Good Luck with the rest of your grow and keep us updated!


lol sorry i confused you FFOF is the same soil the other guy was talking about (Fox Farm Ocean Forest). And as for the pH question i have never checked it and also never have had a problem thankfully. How long you veg is all up to you my man, if you have the space then go for it. I was only asking because if you were going to flower soon im pretty sure it would be pointless to transplant becuse the roots dont grow much in flower. Good Luck with the rest of your grow and keep us updated!
lol don't I feel like an idiot now! I was looking online for FFOF and like wtf? HAHA Thanks for the clarification though. Does my plant even look like flowering it now would get me a decent yield, or is that something you can't tell? Would I still get the cone bud? Sorry for the 100 questions.


Well-Known Member
lol don't I feel like an idiot now! I was looking online for FFOF and like wtf? HAHA Thanks for the clarification though. Does my plant even look like flowering it now would get me a decent yield, or is that something you can't tell? Would I still get the cone bud? Sorry for the 100 questions.
lol no problem with the questions man thats what we are all here for.

If you have the room to veg longer deffinatly do it, just make sure you move those lights closer and maybe try to get a desk lamp or something to get a light under the canopy. That way you will get more nodal growth under the main top.

If you did flower now it would make a little cola (cone bud) but i would not be much, so like I said if you got the room veg it longer.