First grow how does it look?


Well-Known Member
Well, ditch any miracle grow products you have. Seriously! Mg means death for MJ. Get some new soil, I use Fox Farms ocean forest. Check out my pics of my girls when they were 2 weeks old, You'll see a difference. You came to the right place for advice, everything I know I learned here. Good luck!
not true. new growers just over do it with mg nutes. so they blame the product instead of themselfs


lol no problem with the questions man thats what we are all here for.

If you have the room to veg longer deffinatly do it, just make sure you move those lights closer and maybe try to get a desk lamp or something to get a light under the canopy. That way you will get more nodal growth under the main top.

If you did flower now it would make a little cola (cone bud) but i would not be much, so like I said if you got the room veg it longer.
Ok cool I do have about a 9 foot ceiling in the closet it's in so i have quite a bit of room, I will check new soil, lower lights, continue my regiment and cross my fingers. Thank you again I can't tell you how appreciated your advice is!


Well-Known Member
Ok cool I do have about a 9 foot ceiling in the closet it's in so i have quite a bit of room, I will check new soil, lower lights, continue my regiment and cross my fingers. Thank you again I can't tell you how appreciated your advice is!
lol no problem but remember the taller your plant gets the less light that is reaching the lower nodes so if you grow it too high you might want to add the underlighting. Oh yeah and maybe try topping your plant if you want, it will probably allow your plant to use more of the light instead of it just hitting the ground and shit


lol no problem but remember the taller your plant gets the less light that is reaching the lower nodes so if you grow it too high you might want to add the underlighting. Oh yeah and maybe try topping your plant if you want, it will probably allow your plant to use more of the light instead of it just hitting the ground and shit
Right on man I will try to get something worked out for underneath, man I knew there was a lot involved jumping into this but dang it's harder than I would have ever imagined. I imagine though if all goes well it will be worth it in the end... unless it turns out to be a male, then i will probably cry.


Well-Known Member
Right on man I will try to get something worked out for underneath, man I knew there was a lot involved jumping into this but dang it's harder than I would have ever imagined. I imagine though if all goes well it will be worth it in the end... unless it turns out to be a male, then i will probably cry.
Lol yeah at first it can be a lot to deal with but once you got a couple grows under your belt, even if they are unsucessful, you start to get the hang of it and it gets a lot easier.

Yeah that would really suck if it was male.. Everyone always says to grow like three just to be sure you get at least one girl, but i really never have enough room to grow more than one decient sized plant at a time. Thankfully out of the 5 plants i have grown from seed 4 have been female and the other was a hermi lol. i guess i have been pretty lucky :)

Are you planning on growing more after you finish this plant?


Lol yeah at first it can be a lot to deal with but once you got a couple grows under your belt, even if they are unsucessful, you start to get the hang of it and it gets a lot easier.

Yeah that would really suck if it was male.. Everyone always says to grow like three just to be sure you get at least one girl, but i really never have enough room to grow more than one decient sized plant at a time. Thankfully out of the 5 plants i have grown from seed 4 have been female and the other was a hermi lol. i guess i have been pretty lucky :)

Are you planning on growing more after you finish this plant?
WOW lucky dude! Also how would I top it off can you tell from the picture? I might just try the under-lights. I want to grow more after this but it's one of those things where I want to grow for my own supply, it does make me paranoid a tad though growing.


Well-Known Member
Well there are a couple things you could do depending on what you want to do lol. The first option would be to cut just the main stem where the red line i made is. This would encourage all the places where leaves are growing out of the stem to grow new grow tips (branches).

The second option is a little more advanced and depends on if you want to grow more after this plant or not. The plan would be to cut the main stem at the lower yellow line i made just above the fan leaves without cutting the little leaves growing out the sides. The plant would respond the same as in the first option but you would also be able to use the top of the plant to clone.

The benefit to this would be that you would have an exact genetic copy of the first plant so when you decide to flower your plant and if it becomes female, you can keep the clone in veg and grow that one for the next grow around, and you will be sure to have a female.

Cloning is not that hard and you could probably pull it off if you do some research. There are a lot of different methods so you could probably find one that works for you. In my experiance clones are much healthier than seedlings also and you can flower them at anytime because they are sexually mature. The other two yellow lines i made are only if you want to clone the plant. If your interested in this route i could try to help you with it.



Well there are a couple things you could do depending on what you want to do lol. The first option would be to cut just the main stem where the red line i made is. This would encourage all the places where leaves are growing out of the stem to grow new grow tips (branches).

The second option is a little more advanced and depends on if you want to grow more after this plant or not. The plan would be to cut the main stem at the lower yellow line i made just above the fan leaves without cutting the little leaves growing out the sides. The plant would respond the same as in the first option but you would also be able to use the top of the plant to clone.

The benefit to this would be that you would have an exact genetic copy of the first plant so when you decide to flower your plant and if it becomes female, you can keep the clone in veg and grow that one for the next grow around, and you will be sure to have a female.

Cloning is not that hard and you could probably pull it off if you do some research. There are a lot of different methods so you could probably find one that works for you. In my experiance clones are much healthier than seedlings also and you can flower them at anytime because they are sexually mature. The other two yellow lines i made are only if you want to clone the plant. If your interested in this route i could try to help you with it.

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Well after much thought and deliberation with my spouse we have concluded we are going to just top it off, (she isn't comfortable with having more than one plant). I appreciate the diagram though it helps a hell of a lot. In the future when we are in our own house and not this apartment crap we will surly try cloning so maybe then I can take you up on your offer! I will keep you posted thanks a ton brother!