First grow, i want train wreck!


Well-Known Member
looking good, did you goto 12/12 straight away, nice looking plants, what strain, sorry for not reading all 122 pages. but glad you have some bud, after the cop car thing.
any more pics.


Well-Known Member
well i got some seed from a friend and he only grows three strains train,nyc desiel, and mindfuck so they are some combo of those. A few seeds came from a blueberry that turned herm? i lost track so now i have come up with a tracking sheet for everything i grow. The cop in the lot still is in the back of my mind but it was probably nothing? i did not 12 12 everything on purpose but they all showed female very fast and some of them i revegged.
The plants are .....two oldest, 74 days total 33 days budding ( pics of them in a few)

next three are 63 days old and budding 24 days(pics of them soon)


Well-Known Member
well .....i like it when you say please :)

i was a bit impatient with the process you know how it is being a first timer, i want to veg a lit longer next time. I am still experimenting with so many diffrent things i cant wait till i figure out how i want to do everything, pinch vs not pinching, and what ferts i like, and what size pots i like, ect its all so much fun though. Once i get all this shit down i may invest in some papaya and maybe one other strain. I also want to master the art of cloning it bothers me that i keep killing them but i also need a heating pad.

One of my younger budding plants looks very simular to a train wreck in that the plant is turning into one huge bud all the way up? They are all starting to smell very strong i love it:)



Well-Known Member
sounds good, did you kill the hermie, do you have a timer for your 12/12 room?.
why do you think the hermie turned?, cos it came from a hermie seed, or do you think you sent it hermie, i had problems with hermies due to fem seeds, and then the hermies kept infecting my females, before i cud tell they were hermie, there harder to tell, when there from fem seeds, they dont seem to show balls at all. like when a plant goes hermie, in certain parts of a plant. fem seeds just seem to want to grow seeds in the bud after 3 weeks, there a rite pain. thats why im going with reg seeds now, carnt be bothered with all the problems, ive nearly packed in 3 times, due to fucking hermies.


Well-Known Member
well it was a friend that grows clones so if it was hermie i guess that would be his fault, it was not my plant so im not sure. no timer i am the timer because i now travel andhave to see them daily.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, the hairs are turning amber but the trich's are still mostly clear. They are starting to stink to high heaven!!!! If they have three weeks left i will be stoked cause theya re gonna be big!!!!