First grow in 20 years

This is my first attempt at growing in many years, My 4 largest are 7 weeks old . They are from seed I got from some super silver haze all females :clap: The others are from 20 year old bag seed. I had a less than %5 germination rate and %25 survival from that. Any way here are my girls100_0952.jpg100_0953.jpg100_0954.jpg100_0955.jpg100_0962.jpg

cancer survivor

Active Member
welcome back!i like the 20 yr old seeds! i use very old seeds in some of my grows, soak in water for an hour then put in wet paper towels. in a very dark,warm place. let the tails grow to over an inch then plant you will get a beter survival rate. however with old dry seeds u do get deformed/mutant leaves! good job..


Well-Known Member
Great job and welcome back. I went through a long drought as well. Much more fun now !
With old seeds, I've also had good luck letting them soak for up to 24 hours in a shot glass. Jack Daniels of course ! lol :roll:
Yea I had a couple plants that had deformed bottom leaves. One I named Harley . When it first started growing it looked like a Harley emblem. Hope its a female! Of the 7 old bag seed plants I have 2 females and 1 male so far. I'm collecting pollen from the male for seed production. These seed used to produce some of the best smoke around