First Grow in Boom Box with Bag Seed


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I've posted some questions over in the newbie section and I'm proud to say today that I'm a daddy! I just got my first sprout today and I'm sooooo happy and it feels amazing. I started in a plastic cup with a desk lamp that puts off a lot of heat so that it could stay warm and moist and I planted three bag seeds in the cup and 2 looked cracked and like they weren't planning on growing. But one was lucky and sprouted right up overnight literally. Checked on it the night before and nothing and then woke up and checked it 12 hours later and it was like an inch or so tall. Pretty amazing if you ask me. So I switched it over to my grow box I made out of one of my speakers with 2 like 70W equivalent fluro tubes vertically mounted and one huge 300W equivalent CFL overhead. I got about 4500 lumens per box. The 300W has a color temp of 2700K and one fluro is somewhere in the 4K-5K range and the other is a like 7K. It stays pretty humid where I live like around 50%-70% almost all of the time so that shouldn't be a problem. I keep the box anywhere from 79-83 depending on how hot the surrounding area is. Gave it a little bit of water in the already-moist soil to help the soils join together and I'm on my way! Just pray it's a girl!!

Let me know what you think!

Here are some pics.

Muh baby just sprouting!

Dug till I could get under it and transported it to the big grow box

Here's the top of the grow box. 300W right behind the exhaust fan so it doesn't get hot and the two tube fluros.

Close up of my baby in the new box

Darker but better close up
I'm hopefully going to be posting daily pictures for a personal log so just an FYI

Day 2: Spreading out a litte
cool setup. I would pull the plastic light diffusers off of the lights though.

Thanks man!

I talked about this on my newbie-central thread.

I'm leaving them on because it keeps the temps down by encasing the bulb and it's also a lot cooler to touch than touching the light itself so I have less of a chance burning leaves. They also don't really block very much light. I had them off at first when I built my first box (but then had to tear it down because it was awfully organized), but it just works better with them on.
Weird thing about my grow boxes is I had a hard time keeping them below 83F or 82F. Now I have a hard time keeping them above like 74F... And I haven't done anything to the air circulation or ducting or whatever. It's pretty sweet though because depending on how I set my fans, I can keep it at that magical 77 or 78.
Oh No! I'm a father to twins!! I planted a seed like a week or a week and a half ago and I gave up on it and that's why I transplanted the other sprout in there. Turns out it was just a late twin! Well jeeze... I guess I'll probably just try to let them both grow until they show sex and decide what to do then or if they start to kill each other, I'll have to kill the weakest looking plant. I'm not going to plan on moving it over to my other identical grow box because I'm saving that for my white widow grow which I already have planted and waiting for a sprout.

i see 2 in one pot thats a no no man give each one there own pots

Read post #10. I know I shouldn't have two plants this close. I'm going to try to let them grow til I can sex them and then just leave one female. If they show any sign of killing each other then I'll just pluck the late bloomer.
yea there roots are gonna get so tangled being so close together prolly gonna cause more harm then good but we will see huh its all an experiment i guess
yea there roots are gonna get so tangled being so close together prolly gonna cause more harm then good but we will see huh its all an experiment i guess

I guess you're right. I decided to separate the late bloomer into a cup. Not sure what I'm going to do with it really but I didn't want to rush to killing it.

Day 4: Child Separation

Well I have two grow boxes. One for a bagseed and another for my White Widow grow which I'm waiting on a sprout from now. So I don't have anywhere to put one of my bagseed sprouts. I'll probably just wait til one bagseed shows female sex and grow that and kill the other.
is it two small to grow two plants in? with separate pots.

Much too small. It's barely big enough for one. Each grow box is like 8 inches x 1' x 2'. Each has 2 2ft long fluroescent tubes going down the sides, and one large 300W equiv. CFL at the top. A total of about 4500 lumens (and about 400W incandescent equivalent if you think that's relevant). Large 300W light has color temp of 2700K (reddish-orange white), one fluro tube is like 4-5k (mixed) range, and the other fluro tube is about 7k (bluish white). But in my other box, both of the fluro tubes are the 7k (bluish white) types. I keep both at about 76-82F.

Not sure why I gave you all that info since it was in my first post on this thread... but anyway...

I'm going to have to start flowering at like 1 foot because I have to harvest right at 2 feet because of height constraints.
Thanks man!

I talked about this on my newbie-central thread.

I'm leaving them on because it keeps the temps down by encasing the bulb and it's also a lot cooler to touch than touching the light itself so I have less of a chance burning leaves. They also don't really block very much light. I had them off at first when I built my first box (but then had to tear it down because it was awfully organized), but it just works better with them on.

Dont't be blind about this man . It might look like the diffuser doesn,t take away much light , but it's the light humans can't see that gets blocked by the diffuser , dont starve your babies of precious lumens .