First grow in cool cab . . .

Hi everyone, first of all, love the site I have actually been coming here to read for a while now but only just signed up. Mostly cus I only just started growin myself, yay! So I have to say I love the site yall seem to have lots of insight and experience, so I glad to be a part of your community finally.

So here is my deal, I got me a cool cab with the UFO lights, love the system can't wait till it's fully producin. I have a few concerns about it though, first I'll mention my possible fungus issue.

Ok not possible, it was/is. I got what I think was just powdery mildew, I'm hoping it wasn't botrytis. But of the 3 seeds I put down, one (which is almost a full 2 inches now, got some white fuz near the base of the plant, not on the leafs, not on the roots, but just at where the steam drops below the surface, and it was not a damaged area. (The organic starter/cloning plugs they gave me allow me to see right down to the seed, I thought that might not be the greatest but seems to be working out fine) I took a q-tip and removed the build up, if it returns tomorrow or the next day I will get a fungicide. Recommendations?

As far as that goes my real worry is that since this is a drip system that if I didn't catch it early enough it's in the water and I will have to flush or start all over, neither of which I really want to do, but will if I have to.

Another one was a slow start but seems to be moving along ok, and the last I think is dead, maybe root rot, but it seems to early for that and it hasn't spread to the other plants so seems unlikely, what does seem likely is that it most likely drowned. This leads to my biggest concern, the fogger in the reservoir. I had to take some soling (for shoes ;-) I had lying around from a strange project I did for a film once and cap the holes without plants because the fogger created a crazy amount of condensation in the unit on day 1. I had a puddle on the bottom of the cab, grr, but that's all fine now.

However is the fogger creating too much moisture in the reservoir? I read in one of your wonderfull faq's that the mildew/mold issue can be a result of too much humidity. Now the weather guage says that my max humidity in the unit averages 38% so far. But that's just in the cab, not in the reservoir. Though the infected area was not exposed to the fog. So weather it caused the mildew or not I can't really say but I do think it is making it way to wet near the plant that I think is already dead, which is why I think it drowned, but there isn't a lot of room for me to put the fogger away from the plant if they are to have any space between themselves (I don't want to crowed my babies), so I am concerned. And the way the float hangs out it for some reason seems to favor one side.

What I'm really asking I guess is does anyone else have a cool cab or similar set up and have solutions to these types of concerns? And again I did read up on the mildew and the mold issue, and I'm pretty sure I can handle that. It's the drowning of plants on one side of the unit that really worries me.

Thanks in advance, I can't wait to start talking to you guys and learnin from ya.


P.S. In case it helps, my water is at about 128 ppm, and I have not added any nutrients yet, I was told to avoid that until they are about 2 inches tall. It was a combination of distilled and tap water which you're faq's seem to say was a pretty good way to go.
So wait am I to understand no one here can answer my questions or concerns? Is my post to complicated? Does no one else here have a hydroponic set up? Really? Anyone? Bueller?
I appreciate that you want to help but I don't see how pictures would help you, is there something specific you wanted to see? Remember as you read my post my questions is about the fogger not so much the plants themselves. To be perfectly honest I don't even know what the fogger is really for and weather or not it is necessary. So if anyone else uses a fogger in their reservoir I would love to hear about your experience with it. (Maybe that's a bit clearer for you guys.)

Anyway I pulled the one that died, it was very clearly dead at this point and I didn't want dead plant mater getting into the water system and messing with the other plants if that's something that can happen. The one that had the mold seems ok now and the mold has not returned, the stem may have been slightly weakened by the mold though and since it grew really tall really fast it started to fall over so I put a tooth pick in the medium and very loosely tied the stem to it. And that last is just a champ so far, so things seem to be going well.