first grow in my closet! 21 days into flowering.. pics!


Active Member
here she is around week 3-4.. wow have i learned a lot since then lol..

week 5 by her now deceased sister..

a little time jump but this is around week 9

and this is what i woke up to yesterday after 2 and a half weeks into flowering! a little girl.. roughly 12 weeks so far.. meet melissa

i will definitely keep you guys updates over the next few weeks... oh and just started this little project a few days ago..

this is only the beginning!


Active Member
sadly its just a bagseed grow but luckily it turned out female... it was my first grow and we had a few problems but i learned from them quickly and the new top growth looks picture perfect.. ill post a few quality hi res pics in a sec


Active Member
sorry they're kinda big and im not much of a photographer.. let me know what you guys think. how does bagseed like this usually end up smoking? does it taste good? ive grown mostly organic especially through flowering..


Elite Rolling Society
More times than not, Most bag seed is SATIVA and produces tall, skinny plants. But you can still get some great smoke! Especially if you have all females and grow sensimilla.


Active Member
going by the size of this plant and saying that it is 10 weeks old and 15 days into flowering with around a month longer to grow, what is a good estimate on how much my end resulting dry harvest will weigh?