First grow. in/outdoor. help appreciated!!!


Active Member
Whats up everyone. finally got some pics of 2 or 4 of my girls. More to come soon. Anyways. The shorter darker one is bag seed.used miracle grow organic potting soil mixed with some MG blood and bone meal and pearlite. Started from germination and kept under 24hr light untill week 3. Started feeding FF bigbloom every other day at week 3 and went to 18/6. At week 6 moved to 12/12 to sex her and then at week 8 moved her outside into full sun. (Got evicted from my apt) since then she has been getting full sun and big bloom every other day along with tiger bloom once a week. First week pitied she didn't grow at all but now she's started to get these singular rounded.leaves instead of the usual Mj leaves. Anybody know what's up?

Then there's my pride and joy. Another bag seed originator :P my buddy yeilded off this girl last year, harvested and supercropped it and his back yard. We went out earlier this summer and it had grown back! So I kept care of it at his place.just watering it every few days. Its in MG organic also. Well it soon got to be wayyy to big to keep at his place so I traded a half 8 for it and took it under my wing. Since I've had her she's doubled in size! Every other day feedings of big bloom and once a week with tiger. I truly can't wait to harvest this baby. :D any comments or advice would be awesome... oh and im located in west/ central fl so its HOT as the devils taint here alllll summer! I hope to one day gtfo of this place and find work at a collctive/dispensary...or even better own one myself :)
anywho. Happy growing!


Green Life

Good luck man, If your positive its a girl (by going into flowering until you can see the signs, then changing back to 18/6) I would take clones of that babe!


Active Member
Thanks. Yeah she's deff. A girl. I was considering taking some clones... I have 2 decent sized branches coming off the bottom that would do well. Especially since I still have plenty of time here in fl. How exactly would I go about cloning them?


Well-Known Member
the leaf change is probably due to being in a 12/12 cycle and then moved outside. summer def is not 12/12 unless you are covering her after 12 hours of light


Active Member
Yeah im just leaving her out there all day so however much light she gets, she it a bad thing though...?


Active Member
Can someone tell me if I have anything to worry about with the rounded-ish leaves on the top? :/