first grow indica second grow indica...time for a sativa


Active Member
for small indoor space 2 125w cfl what would be a good sativa to grow? i know they tend to grow taller then indica and i like to try to keep the plants no bigger then like 3-3 1/2 ft because of available space and light...i have 3 indicas going right now and looks like 3 plants at a time is my max
for small indoor space 2 125w cfl what would be a good sativa to grow? i know they tend to grow taller then indica and i like to try to keep the plants no bigger then like 3-3 1/2 ft because of available space and light...i have 3 indicas going right now and looks like 3 plants at a time is my max
and i know i know half of all of you are going to say get better lights....after this harvest ill be getting better lights but still wont change the size of my closet
Sativas like to grow tall so you'll have to train them unless you go 12/12 from seed. Even then, you'll probably still have to train xD

They also take longer to flower! I've had mine in the ground for about 5 months or so now haha, shes just starting to amber. Keep all that in mind when you go to plant!