First Grow! Is it a Girl?


Active Member
first off with out this site i wouldnt have been able to figure any of this out so thanks to everyones threads and posts, they have helped a lot!

this is my first AG grow! i have the AG pro 100 set up, w/ two norther lights, i've got 2 additional CFLs (6400k), an airstone, fan, the water is kept around 67 degrees, and the Ph around 5.8. okay so can anyone tell if my plant is male or female yet by these tiny pictures? i took them with my phone and i dont know how to make them any bigger. its week 5 now, i didnt know i was supposed to have a 24/0 light cycle for the first two weeks so its not that big. there on 18/6 right now and i dont think i should switch to 12/12 for awhile. but first i must know if its female or not.



Active Member
Yo man, you need to start flowering the plant before you can really tell the sex. If you let it veg for long enough it will show pre-flowers but they can be hard to distinguish. Personally for me, I just flower it and wait to see the sex.


Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to tell, but what you have to look for is "V" shaped hairs coming off the nodes (branches from the stalk). and a boy is obvious, look for a fat nut sacc haha. keep us posted on the grow :leaf:


Active Member
Aright cool well ill be looking for some V shaped hairs then. Thanks SICC!!! ill let ya know how it turns out once i start flowering.