First Grow Journal: Indoor LED Critical Kush


Active Member
Strain: Critical Kush (Single Plant Grow)
Light: 240 watt 7-band LED
Size: 3 ft x 4 ft x 2 ft
Medium: Perlite & Vermiculite (Hempy Bucket)
Nutrients: General Hydroponics Flora Series
Air Flow: 200 CFM Exhaust Fan, Charcoal Scrubber Filter, Small Circulation Floor Fan, Passive Intake

First time growers here. My girlfriend and I have converted a large cabinet into a grow box for a single plant to flourish in. We will have pictures up once the sprouts come through. As of today, it is Day 2 into germinating. Started the seeds in peat moss pellets to transplant into 3.4 gallon hempy bucket.

Anyone run this strain before? Looking for help on how well the plant can take nutrients, optimal pH, etc. We are scared on over fertilizing our first baby girl. :dunce: :mrgreen:


Active Member
Thanks a lot. That is really close to our exact set up. We're not too sure if we can fit two plants in there.


Active Member
About day seven into germination and waiting for a seedling. The shells cracked at about day 2, but nothing poked through the peat just yet. Been thinking about putting a heating pad under the tray to maybe keep them a little warmer. Sitting at about 68*F


Well-Known Member
eeesh I hate it when they make you wait like that! That heating pad might not be a bad idea to help nudge them out of the peat if you've got them on a cooler surface like a basement floor.

If you get a change to post a pic of your 240W LED fixture I'd love to see it! How much did that fixture run you btw, if you don't mind?


Active Member
I'll try to get some pictures on here of the whole closet soon. The LED itself was around $279 on ebay.


Active Member
We've had mixed reviews on when to put the light on them :roll: Here are some pics. Help us out D: What do you you guys think?? :)

project 001.jpgproject 002.jpgproject 003.jpgproject 004.jpg


Active Member
Now won't hurt..and you get to see your coolasfuck light on! :)

(Oh, and welcome to RIU!)
Thanks and nice to meet everyone ^_^ That LED is insane bright.... Just looking into the closet with the light on blurs my vision XD


Active Member
Day 12 from planting seed directly into peat moss pellets. No idea why one seedling bent, but moved it away from the light and seems to be straightening up.



Active Member
Day 13 from seed. Transplanted them into Hempy Cups and fed with 1/8 tsp FloraGrow, Micro, Bloom, and 2 drops RapidRoot (Half of recommended dosage). Cotyledon leaf was browning at the tip before feeding, the tap root is already a good inch and a half out of the bottom of the pellet, but the first set of fan leaves look perfect. GFDHGJAH ITS HARD TO NOT ACT SO DANG EXCITED TYPING THIS! They are finally resembling plants now :mrgreen:



Active Member
Day 14 and 15 Leaves are coming in fat and healthy. Our poor little 2nd seedling was crushed by the seed shell :( but she's recovering and spreading her cheeks a little more everyday lol. Take a look at our children :D

Day 14

Day 15
IMG_1165.jpg<< the healthy one :p IMG_1166.jpg << our recovering seedling. IMG_1167.jpg


Active Member
Day 17- Looking great. Question though... do our little plants look like they're going to be purple? Or is this normal during the growth process? We definitely don't mind them being purple! :hump:



Active Member
Day 19! Fed, misted with some water, and these girls are exploding finally. Also put 8 more seedlings that we picked up from some ditch weed in the tray to plant outside for the hell of it!


Day 20. Huge growth in each of the Critical Kush seedlings, the second one will be making a full recovery, AND all 8 seeds already broke soil! Didn't think the seeds were going to be that healthy. :mrgreen:




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Our little girlies are throwing out some FAT fan leaves for only spreading the dicot leaves a little less than a week ago O.O


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New pics coming up tonight. Spoiler alert! The 1st plant recovered from what I think was a shotty transplant from solo cup to 3 gallon bucket. Found a root that broke towards the end D: But both are looking gorgeous! Starting to show more of the phenos :mrgreen:


Active Member
Day 22/23. Roots obviously taking full advantage of that res in the hempy buckets. 2 day difference and already branching and working on second node :leaf:



Active Member
Day 24/25. The plants are exploding with growth at this point. Full effect of the nutrients are kicking in and we are slowing increasing the ppm to see what these girls can handle. We will be transplanting the second critical kush plant into another 3 gallon hempy soon, but until then the tiny seedlings will be going into solo cups and getting ready to be planted outside.



Active Member
HUGE UPDATE! Wondering if they are ready for flowering. Vertical growth is beginning to slow down and the plant is exploding with vegetation on the inside. :D

Day 36-37

We can't tell if they have their pre-flowers or not. But the bottom shoots are nearly coming through the top canopy and you can see all of the leave on the inside growing in. On our black bucket plant... the stem is no longer visible at all lol. It is covered in vegetation.