First Grow - Journal


Just off the top of my head:

1. I wouldn't have stared them in peat pots, I'd have started them in larger, and more importantly, ph balanced containers :)
2. I wouldn't have almost killed them with my 400ppm tap water
3. I love the nute solution I'm using, and I have enough for several more harvests, so I'll likely keep that the same, but I wouldn't mind experimenting as my money allows.
4. I wouldn't veg as long, 2 months was plenty, and 3 made it so I had to trim them down a LOT to keep them the right size for my space, and I don't like cutting up the ladies! (until they are done!)

There are probably other things as well, but those are the big ones :)

And, here is a day 62 update!

Jack the Ripper:


Blue Dream:

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Since we have similar set ups I will heed your warnings. I figured 4 weeks to think more? Your JTR looks great and I expect my Space Dawg to be similar since they subbed SD for the JTR I had ordered.

I think the veg stage sets the tone for the grow, so I will be careful.
They are looking great!!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Well, Bud, congrats on a great harvest!!! Outstanding! I won't be able to use the 240 tent to dry since I'll have a perpetual harvest going. I will be able to use the 145 tent for drying since I'll just have a T-5 going in there. I may not get set up until Feb, but we'll see.