First grow journal


So this is my first grow. At the moment i have 2 WW in week 2 day 3 of flowering. Soil medium, 600w hps light and growspace is a double wardrobe. Plant A was in veg 1 week longer than plant B. In total plant A was in veg for 4 weeks. In plant A's first week of veg i feed her doff tomato feed, NPK 4-5-8 with magnesium and seaweed. Next feed i used was some baby bio for orchids wit an NPK (for where im from) of 5.1-.95-.8. Both plants recieved this for the rest of vegging. Feeding schedule was as follows, feed, water, water, feed, water, water, etc...
Yesterday was the second day of the second week of flowering. Feeding so far went as follows. Week 1: 2.5m/l bio bizz bloom and 1/4 strength baby bio orchid.
Week 2: 3m/l bio bizz bloom and 1/4 strength baby bio orchid.
Also yesterday i added some more doff's tomato feed with magnesium and seaweed to plant B as it had never had it before.
More pics and an update to come in a few days!
Really wish i started this journal from start but hey, better late than never :p



So as it turns out plant B is a male. Gong to cut it soon before there is any chance of pollinating plant A. That is upsetting :(


ok so after getting some advice on live chat i think im going to lst my girl. im 10 days into 12/12 cycle. does anyone think this will help increase the yield? or does anyone else have any advice they would like to share?


So my single female WW will finish its second week of 12/12 cycle tomorrow. Flowers are starting to come along nicely! Lots of white hairs starting to from as well :) Feeding for next week will be 5m/l BioBizz Bloom and 1/4 strength baby bio orchid. Also will give her a bit of seaweed and magnesium extract!
Here's a few pic's..



Active Member
don't lst in flower. you'll get what ya get
Not true, I have been doing lst at both stages of my plants, as long as the stems can move without bending or breaking, flex it. The colas will reach out and up towards the light, instead of having one big bud on one branch you get the different bud site pointing up.

Other then that your plants look good.


Ok so its been 18 days since my last update (camera broke and could not upload pics). My single WW is looking awesome, well in my eyes it is! lots of buds well formed all over the plant. The WW is exactly 4 weeks and 3 days into 12/12 cycle today. One question i have about it tho is about most of the leaves are turning yellow, not just the fan leaves. I gave her some extra N yesterday and she looks a little healthier today. Ok my question, Ive read in several places that feeding a plant N during flowering stage can really hinder bud growth. Is this true? My worry is that im only just under 5 weeks into 12/12 cycle and my plant wont have enough N to possibly finish another 6/7 weeks of growth!

2 weeks and 5 days ago today i put 5 germinated NYD straight into 12/12 cycle alongside my WW. The reason for this is that i didnt have the space to veg (only using a double wardrobe in a spare room) and since my other WW turned out to be male i really wanted extra bud when i was finished growing. 3 of the NYD died within a few days. (Im thinking the 12/12 cycle from start mite of stressed them. Also i doubt the genetics were anygood to start with.) Bought 18 seeds for 20e in the dam a few months back.

So after 2 weeks in 12/12 cycle the remaining 2 NYD started to show signs of flowering. Unfortunatly 1 was a hermie so i cut the fecker down. Was very upset doing so. On a better note, the single NYD looks like someone light a fire under her ass. As of 2 weeks and four days of growing she is over 15 inches tall. Shes very spindly but is being supported. I still have not started giving her nutes as i reckon the soil its in has enough nutes for approx 3 weeks.

Feeding so far for my WW has consisted of 5m/l BioBizz Bloom, a small bit of N and some seaweed and magnesiun extract(this is the last week i will give it seaweed and mag nutes)

Pics include pictures from 2 weeks ago and pictures from today.

Any and all suggestions would be welcome.

IMG_0303.jpgIMG_0316.jpgIMG_0317.jpgIMG_0318.jpgIMG_0319.jpgIMG_0320.jpgIMG_0321.jpgIMG_0322.jpgIMG_0323.jpgIMG_0315.jpgIMG_0313.jpgIMG_0312.jpgIMG_0304.jpgIMG_0305.jpgIMG_0306.jpgIMG_0307.jpgIMG_0308.jpgIMG_0309.jpgIMG_0310.jpgIMG_0311.jpgIMG_0324.jpgP.s. ManishWayz. Tied my WW down in several place and many many more bud sites have popped up. Thanks for the info!!!


Seed sacs on my WW :-( I dont think they are false either. They have a lovely yellow racing stripe from the back (fat end) to the front! Also there does not seem to be any new pistols forming in those areas which also leeds me to believe that they are not false.

None on the main cola yet tho. Im hoping there wont be either. They also seem very localised at the moment.

Very upsetting.

Pics to come later!!!!