First Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
OK let the GROW! Begin

April 9, 2008

Type of Grow

Mango and Blue Mystic

Started In
Jiffy Pucks

Number of Plants

Main Veg Lights
3 Warm White 32w, 3 Cool White 40w

Light cycle

Heat Light
1 Heating bulb 250w

Large Heating pad

8 liter humidifier

Small Isolating fan

80 F - 85 F


Water PH level used to soak them
6.4 - 6.6

Water schedule
every 3-4 days, 2 liters of distled




Well-Known Member
Week 1 went alright,the seedling doom was getting a little hot 90-95 F, week 2 took the doom of and it was a little cooled like 70 F .. humidity 20% so I got the humidifier and heat lamp, brought the the temp to 80 F and humidity around 50%. But as you can see my major problem was my lower leafs were going yellow on the tips. But I'm pretty sure thats fertilizer burn I started feeding them to early and I was misting the same fertilizer water on them oops lol I think there gonna be all right I gave them a good flush:) Ill keep updating


Well-Known Member
i use 50 percent worm castings and miracle grow and plants at 21 days from sprout r 2ft.under 4 42 watt cfls =600watts,but mine r ak 47 that might make a difference.60 days i can take a bud from the bottom an get high as iwant.


Well-Known Member
For flowering I have a different box with 12, T5, 54w High Output fluorescents and 2, T8, 32w Black lights.. Ill post some pics, I hope its going to work for flowering. The company that sells them say there great for budding, lol probably BS. :leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
t5s are what I'm using now and what I learned is that quantity is crucial. If im not mistaken, the light penetration on them is less than an HPS so its better to do sog?


Well-Known Member
dude, ditch the t5s and get an hps, if you can afford it lol... me and my friends compared to the two, i used t5 and he used hps and its j ust unmeasurable how much better his results were lol... i yieleded squat after months work, his hps just shat all over my time spent


Well-Known Member
dude, ditch the t5s and get an hps, if you can afford it lol... me and my friends compared to the two, i used t5 and he used hps and its j ust unmeasurable how much better his results were lol... i yieleded squat after months work, his hps just shat all over my time spent
Depending on your local law inforcement be carefull with HPS. T5s are great if HPS is not an option. If you go HPS do it propa!


Well-Known Member
OK I'm 30 days in from seed, they didn't grow much from last update because they were stunted from the fert burn but there looking pretty good now,
Still watering with no nutes but I'm going to start using hydrogen peroxide, 30 ml per 1 gallon..
Hopefully next update they will have noticeable growth :leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
Today I watered them with 15 ml per gallon of hydrogen peroxide and I also crashed up half sheet of dry seaweed into the water and let it sit there for 36 hours.. No one told me to do this but I heard seaweed was good for your Any thought on this??


Well-Known Member
Yo, I water them today with some ferts :shock:, 1/4 the recommended amount and 10 ml per gallon of hydrogen peroxide, I hope to god they like it :-?, Im kinda regretting it now lol
Picture update in 3 days


Well-Known Member
I guess that seaweed extract is good for your plants, Im just not sure about using dry seaweed. And yea Hydrogen peroxide is also good it gives your roots oxygen, check out the FAQ GROWFAQ I only used half amount they seem to like it.:) :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ok 5 weeks in they did grow much lol but there doing ok, I trimmed the died leafs on the bottom. Im gonna start using ferts again just 1/4 amount and I also started using super thrive...
One of my plants is taking off I wish they were all that size, hope to god its a female.
The leafs are really small I think that might be a dif like zink or Iron
These plants are so small for 5 weeks, I no but I have hope there going to take of now :)


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Well-Known Member
So I found out yesterday that my soil PH was really low. like 5.1 ,, Stupid Pro mix:finger: I tested straight out of the bag and it was just as bad.. So I add some dolomitic lime to each pot about 1 ML hopefully that brings it up..
The way I tested was Let the soil dry out then take just water with the PH 7.0 run it throughout the pot and then test the PH of the run off,, It should come out 6.5 to 7.0..