First Grow Log - Problems already


My uncle had started this plant probably 4-5 weeks ago, and I noticed it had a few problems. He kept saying once we replant it in our garden it will be fine, however I decided to give a shot at growing it myself with some CFL's. I took the plant and transplanted it into a bigger pot yesterday, and it has been under the CFL's since. I am also trying to correct the problems that have occurred during his growing of it. Looks like growth has been stunted, leaves yellowing/browning/dieing at the bottom of the plant, which I ended up clipping off since they were completely dead. It is traveling up the plant now, and also the stems are turning a purple too.

After reading a bit more I think it is indeed a Nitrogen deficiency. Last night I added some vigoro tomato and vegetable plant food I found at home depot.. the best store I have around me. It says it has 12% N and 10% Phosphorus. I added it last night, and watered it til I had run off. Hopefully she rebounds over the next couple days..

Her top leaves are starting to droop and curl in on the sides.. loosing that nice texture they had and is now drying out and going more towards paper like. Posting pictures in a second.


Oh yea he said he was watering it every morning, but I added the nutes I got and I'm gonna let it go a few days now


Active Member
1st- Tomato food is acidic and can kill cannabis--
What soil are you using?
Was it outdoors? If soo- cfl's won't be enough light for it.

Is it a seed plant or a clone? That will make the difference as to wheteher or not youshould even be feeding it yet.

The plant is yellow because it is being over-watered on a regular basis- which flushes out nitrogen from the plant....

We need to know the soil you use, how often you water and if it is a clone or from seed to really help much.


Oh wow thank you very much for the reply. It was bag seed I had and we just said fuck it why not try it. It is just some regular potting soil he uses for the rest of his garden


Also it was not started outside, it was under a metal halide(sp) light. And I think he said he used miracle grow potting soil >.<

Once I get done work I am stopping at home depot to pick up another soil to use instead of that, anyone have any suggestions?

Seems like the brands they have, excluding all miracle grow, are jungle growth, hiawatha, vigoro, or oraganic choice.. Really appreciate any help guys, I don't want her to die!


Well-Known Member
Only time you'll ever have to water daily is if u got seedlings or clones in very small cups with kick ass drainage . Even then I've found myself skipping days. If u think it's nit, give it some. Lucky for us these plants are resilient little bitches. Lol


Well-Known Member
I have my first batch in Mg, it's not the best, lots of def problems but for the most part, they still just kept growing.


I haven't tested it yet but I'm buying a cheap tester at home depot when I finish work tonight. Hope its accurate. I'm going to pick up some of the jungle soil and try that out.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tested it yet but I'm buying a cheap tester at home depot when I finish work tonight. Hope its accurate. I'm going to pick up some of the jungle soil and try that out.
Ya you should defiantly test the P.H. of your water, I learned the hard way you open yourself up to nothing but problem's unless you get lucky, So good luck and just read and get as much information as possible and remember to be patient


Thanks a lot. Been reading a lot the past few days, lurking on forums and what not. Gonna try and sprout a bunch more bag seed soon in case this one does die


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. Been reading a lot the past few days, lurking on forums and what not. Gonna try and sprout a bunch more bag seed soon in case this one does die
No problem man, I am still learning myself this is my first grow learned a lot reading and watching videos but remember just because one person tells you one thing does not mean it true all the time, so try to get as much opinions as possible and use your common sense as well and you should do fine. Do you have any more pic's? This is my girl growing up and then her into the 4th week of flowering


Big Trees

Well-Known Member
also remember its soil so it'll take a few days for the nutes you feed it to be absorbed by the plant. Just so you don't overfeed trying to fix a deficiency.


I'm going to order fox fields soil and everything I need and just wait cause home depot is terrible. I'll get more pics when I'm back from the gym tonight.


over watering maybe bigger pot also!! I just had the same problem got mine right!!
Yeah, my uncle was watering it every day and had it in too little of a pot, the roots had started coming out the drain holes!

I am gonna have to wait til Friday to try and go get some soil at a more legit farming type store about 25 minutes from me. Leaving town the next two days, hopefully I come back and my girl has rebounded some!


Alright here is my dieing girl :( Really hoping she rebounds. I watered her a lot when I transplanted her the other day and I don't plan on watering her again until AT LEAST Friday.



Well-Known Member
Didn't really read much, but it looks like overwatering mixed with Nitrogen. Let her dry out and get a humidity dome on her. Use 1/4 strength nutes on the next watering and see how she responds.