First grow !! Look ok ??


Well-Known Member
when you water your plant stand it in a bowl and collect the run off, check the ph, you may need toph up with bicarb or flush, you have prob got a buid up of salts and like i say the soil is prob getting naturaly acid which locks out certain nutes.i got the same thing going on with mine but now doing coco so shouldnt be a problem in future


Active Member
yes you need ph up and down....try to get it as close to 6.5 as you can but it's ok to be a tad under one time and a tad over another time...the plants will tell you what they like...dont be afriad of N Nitrogen...the plants need it...they wont grow bushy just because you used too much want plants with large healthy folliage so when you DO go into flower you have the stored food the plant needs to make buds....check out some of uncle bens threads....theres alot of misinformation around here......its a weed...treat it like a will grow...7.0 would be kinda high...usually along side of the those strips there is a complete up, ph down, and can use household things like del was saying to cut down on costs...just google "home supplies for ph up and ph down"


ok thanks for tthe advice.
also got bio bizz bloom nutes for flower the npk is this 2-6-3.5 is this any good ?

and when i add nutes should i do it when water is bein left for 48hours or just before i feed ?


Well-Known Member
i use bio bizz too , once again i will say if your run off is very acidic do not then ph your water down or you will compound the problem,compost grows become more acidic as time goes by,i feed my plants 7.4 ph in compost and you have seen my plantsl the last thing you want to do is poor acid on acid................but if you want to cook good rice go see uncle ben....


Well-Known Member
check the ph of water before you water then stand plant in or over bowl and water til its coming out the bottom of pot, then test the ph of the water thats collected in bowl, do this first before you think about altering anything with lemon juice, im pretty sure you wont have to ph down but we shall see, post the results soon as you are done mate


aww cheers mate sorry a didnt no what you ment i do now tho
i will do this 1st when i get the ph tester. but the plants are due there dose of nutes today i have a 5L bottle of water mixed with nutes been lying for over 72 hours will i use this or use my water wityh no nutres and add just before i water. and del66666 how mucj ML per LITRE of bio bizz did u use


yeah i really neeed a ph test asap lol it will be here wednesday hopefully
i have been notcing my plnats leaves from the node are faalling off if u touch them they look nice and healthy then they fall off ;s its like its deteriating inside the plant ???/


Active Member
yo man, do flush the plants, you will get a nute taste in your ganj, and i know you dont want that, or at leasty slowly drop the nutes down till ur not using any at the end of your grow.


Active Member
uncle ben is a guy on this forum...look up his avatar and check out his threads...the guy knows whats up and has helped mine alot just by reading his stuff...he removes all the bullshit people come up with when they dont know what theyre talking about...any pic updates? dont over think it...testing the runoff is all well and good...but first make sure you actually know what your waters ph is!! lol

if you let the nutes sit in the water it will lower your ph over time, not really a good thing if you didint know what it was to begin with ...i fill my gallon up right from the sink/put the nutes in/ ph it back up and water the girls....everybodys water is different though....that works for me


What im gonna do untill i get the tester is tap water leave for 48hrs for chloriene to avaparate. Then add nutes when time for feeding gonna use 1-4 strength for 2 weeks then 1-2 strtenght for 2 then flush


awryt troops just updating this my rollitup dleted all my threads n shit lol
my ak plant has turned out to be female which is goooood. showing hairs n shit only got a phone to take photos will post them tonight


been ill for a while reason for not psoting :(
plants r doing ok found out the other ak was a male now down to 4 plant ak48,supersilvercheese x 2,blue cheese
aww well shit happens. i am hoping for anoth yield so that i Can buy a hps kit and flower with those next..

well heres a pic from 10/02/11. cut down on nutes to 1/4 strength as all the leaves are crispin up but new ones grwo in are heaslthy this has happend from start its down to ph which i will fix next growIMG00121-20110210-1832.jpg