First Grow - Looking for Input


Active Member
Figured this was the best place to start, since I am a n00b and it's not particularly a grow journal; more-so just me curious what others thing about my first grow and if there's anyone who can share some knowledge with me with my current grow :)

As I said in the subject, this is my first grow. 01_seedling.jpg Originally I wanted to start growing because I love pot, but I also wanted to try cooking with it. After researching, I noticed that I would need at least an oz to start w/; and since I wasn't going to just experiment with something so expensive, I figured why not start growing! So I started out with a random seed, exciting right?!

02_sad-transplant.jpg Well, once it started getting bigger, I figured I'd try transplanting it. Boy was that a fail job by yours truly. That's when I said to myself, "If I'm gonna try to do this, I might as well start with some seeds that I know may actually grow into something decent."

03_new-sprout.jpg04_hydro-seedling.jpg So I picked up some White Widow seeds, and got some seedlings a-growin'.

06_growing2.jpg05_growing.jpg After a few days, some of the seedlings were coming along nicely, or so I thought. I was just excited that they weren't dead already...I hadn't really grown anything before, let alone marijuana.


Soon enough, I had two that were doing seemingly well. Others didn't seem to make it, usually from something that seemed to turn the base of the stalks dark black and cause them to teeter over and fall/break.


The other two struggled on, continuing to be fed nutrient-rich waters and an 18/6 light rotation.

12_end-of-veg.jpg After reading up on Sativa (which I guessed they had to be due to the long, spread apart water leaves), I believe I could have started the flowering cycle sooner; either way, I figured now was a good enough time as any to switch to my 400W HPS grow light.

14_flowering.jpg13_start-flower.jpg Now on a 12/12 light cycle, I was excited to find out the gender of my two white widow plants. After vigorous research on the subject, I had a good feeling that they were female. I do include two close-up pictures towards the end and would definitely appreciate someone agreeing that they are indeed female ;)

15_flowering-too-tall.jpg Now I was afraid that they were getting too tall. Before I had researched, I didn't think that once they went into the flowering phase they would continue to grow. But apparently since they're Sativa, they supposedly can grow much taller even after switching from veg to flower. Fantastic! So they had to be moved to an area where the lights could be quite a lot higher than the tops of the plants due to the bulb being so hot. 16_flowering-moved.jpg

17_closeup.jpg18_closeup2.jpg And that's where we (me and my ladies...hopefully ><) are currently. Thanks for reading, and I'll definitely keep up with this (pictures and more info if anyone is interested besides myself lol). If this indeed would count as a grow journal, then I apologize in advance.


Active Member
If anyone has experience in growing white widow, how long does it usually take from beginning flowering to harvest? Ive heard 8
- 10 weeks. Also, the medium seems to definitely dry out much faster under an HPS light; should I take that into consideration and water more? I don't want to overwater them, and I've noticed that two or three of the water leaves are curling downward like claws.


Active Member
Water when she looks thirsty. Just don't mistake overwatering for thirst. It kind of looks the same. My white widow finished around 12 weeks. Don't expect much bud but what you'll hopefully get is knowledge for your next grow to be more productive. There is nothing wrong with your setup, just dont expect to yield an oz your first grow. When i started my first grow i had high hopes but slowly as flowering went by i realized pretty quick i wasn't gonna get a good yield.


Active Member
Thanks :) When you say not to expect a large yield, is it because that's just how white widow is, or because I only have two plants currently? I'm hoping, once these two are harvested, to start 6 new ones and keep their height down this time...stopping veg state a little sooner. Also, when is the best time to start cloning? I'd like to give it a shot, but I don't want to try it with these two if it's too late.


Active Member

I definitely need to do some LST if I plan to grow white widow again...or I guess whatever I grow next I should try it out. They just keep getting taller, soon I'm going to have to move them to the floor or a small table and change the lights. Is there a trick, besides using LST, to ensure the lower areas of the plant will be getting sufficient light?


Active Member

Finally moved my larger dresser out of the way and put my plants on a smaller one. Much less heat pounding into the tops now; only thing I'm afraid of is the bottom areas not getting enough exposure to the light.


From what I've heard, white widow takes quite a while from beginning flowering to harvest. Wonder how much longer these have.


Well-Known Member
You probably should've introduced that 400 watt earlier...I wouldn't worry too much about the bottom parts, but if you want them to produce, then you'd need to add some side lighting, maybe a few cfl's...
