first grow lots of white bugs


Well-Known Member
Can anyone identify what these bugs are? I'm doing a organic indoor grow around 3 weeks into veg and plants look very healthy but I have a huge amount of these white bugs all over the soil and pot and I'm getting concerned with how many I have.

Whatever it is you've got it's an infestation and needs to be controlled.
To me it looks like springtails, in small numbers they can be beneficial but if they take over I believe they will eat roots and you'll end up with dead plants.
Whatever it is you've got it's an infestation and needs to be controlled.
To me it looks like springtails, in small numbers they can be beneficial but if they take over I believe they will eat roots and you'll end up with dead plants.
Get some nematodes in that soil.
Any idea where the bugs came from? The soil you built, where did the base come from? And what climate are you in?
My soil mix is 1/3 sphagnum peat moss, worm castings and vermiculite that I all bought from ebay, I added some insect frass and bone blood meal to it too.
Must be thosuands of them covering the soil and on the side of my pots but the plants look really healthy and growing very fast.
Close up pic here
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My soil mix is 1/3 sphagnum peat moss, worm castings and vermiculite that I all bought from ebay, I added some insect frass and bone blood meal to it too.
Must be thosuands of them covering the soil and on the side of my pots but the plants look really healthy and growing very fast.
Close up pic here
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Not springtails.
Nobody is going to identify your bugs if you don't take pictures under white light.
I managed to get some pictures in white light by turning off my grow light and using the flash on my camera, these are the best I could get but clearly they are a light brown color, they do not fly and they move very fast.
Can anyone identify what these bugs are? I'm doing a organic indoor grow around 3 weeks into veg and plants look very healthy but I have a huge amount of these white bugs all over the soil and pot and I'm getting concerned with how many I have.

In the future, remember that prevention plays a huge roll in whether you end up with bugs in your nugz. Always pay attention to where you've been and what you've been doing before going into the grow space. If you've been working in the yard, or even just mowing, you should shower first. I use my air compressor all the time, to blow myself off if I've been outside.
Looks like some kind of mite. Spray them with some neem oil. It will take care of them nice n fast. Garden Safe fungicide 3 is a decent inexpensive pre-packaged neem oil spray and it can be found at most big box stores.
It's a mite of some kind some are beneficial many ain't pretty hard to tell what sub species of mite it is from that though
Do you think it's better to play it safe and use some neem oil and put some diatomaceous earth on the top of my soil?
Neem or Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew works well too. Totally organic.

Adding a good thick layer of diatomaceous earth (1/4 inch) won't hurt anything and will help to get rid of the little bastards. Mix it into the top soil and then a layer on top. Don't breath it in. When you water, replace the diatomaceous earth after a few hours of letting the top of the soil dry.
Neem or Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew works well too. Totally organic.

Adding a good thick layer of diatomaceous earth (1/4 inch) won't hurt anything and will help to get rid of the little bastards. Mix it into the top soil and then a layer on top. Don't breath it in. When you water, replace the diatomaceous earth after a few hours of letting the top of the soil dry.
Dead Bug Brew is great! I always have some on hand.