First Grow - Lowryder #2 ( Santa Maria ) Take 2


Well-Known Member
Well my compost has miracle grow in it but it worked fine last time so Id say main priority is to get them into much deeper pots asap. And fill the next pots near to the top! They look healthy tho, i just think theyl be desperately wanting to spread their roots down right about now!


Active Member
Wish you luck looks good.
just kep an eye on them use this forum and you should be fine.
without it i'd be f*&^&D.

the plants will let you know what they need.


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with queen bee, repot them so their roots can go digging, you will see much quicker results on new plant growth. also dont repot them too often as this will stress them out and stunt plant growth and/or cause hermie,so i would advise for LR's to repot into your final pot size now. looking good tho, dig the ghetto setup


Well-Known Member
did you manage to get them transplanted yet? tall square pots are prob the best for ryders if you can get them.


Well-Known Member
Update day 14

the plants have now been repotted on day 10, and have been well for the past 4 days in there new home. hopefully these pots will be big enough for he rest of the grow cos i cant repot again...opinions?

heres a group pic from A-E:

and some pics of "A", as she (hopefully she) is my fave:



Well-Known Member
Day 15 - today

ive noticed little changes over the past few days.

plant 'A', is getting some really bad yellow spots.

and plant 'B' has gone a very very pale green, and is wilting bad. looks very depressed.

'C'-'D'-'E', have always been smallest, they dont seem to be doing to bad...apart from the fact they are so small for 14 days!




Well-Known Member
Were there any incidences during repotting that might have damaged the roots? Have you been giving them any nutes?


Well-Known Member
no nutes as i have been using compost, i was gonna nute them 3 weeks in.

repotting didn't go too bad, but could have went better. a few of the roots came exposed, but i wouldn't say the were damaged.

ive moved my plants back to 30" from the light, temps still sittin around 25 degree's


Well-Known Member
could it be a nitrogen deficiency?

ive been looking at other plants and i reckon i shoud get them on the nutes now...atleast at quarter of the strength.

would this be a really bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Day 15 - today

ive noticed little changes over the past few days.

plant 'A', is getting some really bad yellow spots.

and plant 'B' has gone a very very pale green, and is wilting bad. looks very depressed.

'C'-'D'-'E', have always been smallest, they dont seem to be doing to bad...apart from the fact they are so small for 14 days!


dont worry anout the size mate, there about right for 14 days, mine are 10days and only half that size.

im not to great at identifying plant problems but if you post in the plant problems section and put a photo up of the problem someone will help out mate.


Well-Known Member
dont worry anout the size mate, there about right for 14 days, mine are 10days and only half that size.

im not to great at identifying plant problems but if you post in the plant problems section and put a photo up of the problem someone will help out mate.
the spots on plant A have got a bit worse over night but not too much, but to my surpise, i looked at plant B and she's really perked up, she is still a bit pale, but not drooping as much.

i switched from a 18/6, to 24/0 for a day to give them an extra strength boost i guess lol.

does it effect auto flowing plants atall, if sometimes you switch from 18/6, to 24/0???


Well-Known Member
mine r vitually identical to C on about day 17. they look fine. go to marajuana plant problems for the probs with A and B


Well-Known Member
mine r vitually identical to C on about day 17. they look fine. go to marajuana plant problems for the probs with A and B
cool, what size pots do you have. do the ones im using now look big enough for the rest of the grow.

sieving soil and repotting takes aaaages.


Well-Known Member
the spots on plant A have got a bit worse over night but not too much, but to my surpise, i looked at plant B and she's really perked up, she is still a bit pale, but not drooping as much.

i switched from a 18/6, to 24/0 for a day to give them an extra strength boost i guess lol.

does it effect auto flowing plants atall, if sometimes you switch from 18/6, to 24/0???

it might affect it a little but dont switch back and forward to much with your light schedules as you will stress the plant and make it hermie.

those pots look fine, maybe put a bit more soil in some of them.