first grow male or female confusion


Well-Known Member
thast a nice healthy lookin plant. have you ever considered toping? i think u should look into that it really benifited for me its like having two plants on one stem


Well-Known Member
Looks like a female but i would wait a little longer but i'm 80% sure it is a girl.For future grows if you are unsure of the sex then take a clone has soon has you can.Wait a week then flower it and it will tell you within a couple of week.It is not too late to do this with this plant and keep it has a mother.If the size is a problem then just keep topping her and the plant will produce you a load of new plants.I only like to keep amother for a max of 6 month then i clone her for the final time flower some of the clones and keep one back has a new mother.


Active Member
hi ppl..sorry i had gone out for a week..heres the update...still no sign of sex as for now but some problems seemed to have creeped in...the buds look little fatter and no balls apparent..

the leaf tips have started curling upwards and seemed to have burnt tips..

the bottom most leaves seem to be drooping... 2 have fallen off and one more seems drooping..marked with a red arrow

i've taken a small clone cutting and dipped it in IBA and placed it in soil in a small chamber and mist it twice a day..i've attached a pic.pplease do give your opinions because its my first clone..its been about 1 1/2 days and the leaves have slightly curled..

one more is some weird patterns on leaves bottom mostly the bottom..dunno what it is ..any ideas anybody?

and some details about my grow..its a window grow..plain garden soil..for nutes i use urea pellets and a follicular spray..



What kind of soil/soiless mix are you using? It looks so red. You may have a couple of issues here. First the drooping is most likely overwatering. Second, you may have pH problems. If you can test the pH, do it and let us know. Just be patient with the sex thing. It will show you soon enough. Good luck!


Active Member
plain garden soil i picked off the street...thanks a lot about the was indeed a ph issue.its fixed now and still there is no apparence of any sex so i am starting 12/12 with today.. night 20:00 hours to 08:00am

will that be good?

and does a 24 or 36 dark period before 12/12 really help? cause there seems to be lots of confusion over a lot of forums about this


Active Member
also is it possible to buy a sativa type strain off the internet at a relatively low price? cause around here we have only pure sativas and m really dying to try an indica...a few seeds in some kind of stealth paking.. or is there something like frse or an exchange for seeds? i dont know if i should ask this here though


Well-Known Member
also is it possible to buy a sativa type strain off the internet at a relatively low price? cause around here we have only pure sativas and m really dying to try an indica...a few seeds in some kind of stealth paking.. or is there something like frse or an exchange for seeds? i dont know if i should ask this here though


Active Member
hey guys its been a week since 12/12 and my pure sativa is still not showing sex :( while i grew this other plant around the same time after this one and is has started budding...any idea what the problem could be?

also my other plant here has small leaves and looks pretty different.. is it some indica sativa cross?

here are some pictures



Active Member
If you really want to tell fast leave the light off for 24 hrs and it will really show its sex faster if after that it shows the white pistils then start your 12/12 starting with light on first but to me it looks male but still to early.....