First Grow, Mostly Bagseeds, HID Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Finally an update, got my 600w hps bulb in today and got the plants situated again. You didn't wanna see my ghetto setup under the 400w mh.

This week they've really taken off, and there are lots of bud sites forming now.

50% of my clones have survived, def need to work on that in the future.. :dunce:

think that's about it

I took this pic hastily, i've leveled the canopy, raised the light a little bit
and straighted up a few things


Well-Known Member
Those plants are looking very nice SB, glad to see you've got an update, I was missing you mate. Anyways, 1ml/1L of water seems a little low to me like you need more like 5-6ml/L for a transition to flowering. I forgot, my apologies, but how much were you feeding in veg? I typically flush with un-nuted water for the first switch just to get a little more of the vegetative nutrients flushed out to accept the new nutrients. Keep us updated mate, getting exciting now, especially with your new bulb :blsmoke:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
the fruits of my labor starting to show, yeah it's getting real exciting!

Anyways, 1ml/1L of water seems a little low to me like you need more like 5-6ml/L for a transition to flowering. I forgot, my apologies, but how much were you feeding in veg?
not sure what your talking about in the first part, as for veg i was feeding like 15ml of botanicare veg, 10ml of liquid karma, 1ml of superthrive and 1/2 tsp of molasses per gal. I phased in the flowering nutes and just got off the veg/flower mix today, all flower now!! like 30ml botanicare flower, 12ml liquid karma, 1ml superthrive, molasses, ph in low 6s


Well-Known Member
dude nice to see u gettin somewhere...i still dont got nothin goin rofl but looks good to me cant spot any nute probs or proud and i didnt even do anything lol keep them babys goin like that might have u some bud actin like a psycho :D


Well-Known Member
Well everything is gong well, they're thriving! The cryatal most of all, it dwarfs the bagseeds as i have to keep moving them up to keep up with her. Here they are:


The rest are my bagseeds:

Bagseed 1

Bagseed 2

Bagseed 3

My clones are not doing to well, lost 75% of them and the remaining ones are turning a bit yellow, i'll raise the ph next watering! Oh and as for the 75% loss, i expected it to be bad as i'm a noob and i took a buch from a dying plant!


Well-Known Member
everythings going well with the flowering plants, however, i only have 3 surviving clones as of now, and only one that's showing a good bit of growth after almost 3 weeks.. she will be my spring/summer mother. really though, i'm just happy to keep my strain alive!!


Well-Known Member
damn plants are lookin beautiful!! four weeks flowering? sorry about ur clone situation. usually mine will all stay consistent and if one of them roots all the rest of them are bound to root within a few days. dont know why you'd be losing so many clones. keep an eye on temps, keep it moist and be patient. that's pretty much all you need to do to clone.


Well-Known Member
week 4 flowering update (pics above are from week 3)

They are all doing well, the crystal has blown up again this week, i had to move the light up again and will have to raise the other plants... again!! I may look into tying it down.. she's a growroom light whore!! i noticed that alot of it's leaves under the lightbulb are turning yellow probably from heat, this is only with the crystal (my only dank plant). One of my bagseeds is really dark green as well, so there my be some nutrient problems there. But yeah as you can tell the crystal has put on some weight! the others, not so much..

Crystal pics;

Bagseed # 1

Bagseed # 2

Bagseed # 3

one of my clones is taking off the other 2 survivors are just hanging on..


Well-Known Member
Nice :blsmoke:. How you been SB? Plants are looking great mate, you looking into anything new? Keep up the good work, +Rep sir

KC :leaf:

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
wow all your bagseeds (BADSEED)hhahahah dont know if you meant to do that or not ...... differ looks great


Well-Known Member
wow all your bagseeds (BADSEED)hhahahah dont know if you meant to do that or not ...... differ looks great
an accident but it works, yeah i dunno what they're gonna produce but we'll see, they're ahead of the crystal, so i may have something to smoke on 420 after all.. :bigjoint:

just topped my surviving crystal clone, going to mother it and try again, thing looks retarted though, 3 point leaves, funky new growth leaves, going to try and reveg the crystal after harvest for a better mother! Or buy some seeds :gulp:



Well-Known Member
it's not over yet!

i'm 5 weeks in flower so i've got another 4 weeks i believe, all though a few of the bagseed plants may be ready earlier, gotta get my mag glass soon to start checking, it'd be nice to have some by 420!

oh and i did a SHITTY job of making clones!! 2 in 15 survived, and only one is flourishing (pictured above). I'm going to use that one as a mother, no more clones from flowering, it's a pita!!

ALSO, i moved my crystal out from being right under the 600w HPS, traded spots with bagseed #1
it's development seemed to slow and i think heat may be the cause, so i moved it to a cooler spot

#=bagseeds c=crystal

old setup:


new setup:


pics when lights come back on


Well-Known Member
growth on the crystal seems to have stalled.. i have no idea why, it's just not putting any meat on it's bones! The others are, hell the blueberry (bagseed #3) is getting FAT. And bagseed #1's hairs are starting to turn!!

i'm hoping it's just because i see them everyday, and this is just nothing..


Well-Known Member
Week 5 went pretty well i suppose, the plants didn't seem to do much, stretched a bit :sad:. Bagseed #1 seems to me moving along well, the others seem stunted, maybe it's just because i see them everyday.. temps stay at 85* when lights are on, 65*ish when off, is this ok? well here they are:

Bagseed #1

Bagseend #2

Bagseed #3 (dank blueberry bagseed)

CRYSTAL (one plant, over 5ft tall):

My 2 clones are pulling through, one it just doing ok, the other is topped and thriving, another few weeks and hopefully i can start cuttin her up!!