first grow(mystery seeds not included)


Hey guy's

I'm new to growing, and was seeking some advice. i began about a month ago with some mystery seed's that i planted in some MG, which nuked by week 2. (eight to be exact) I know have one mystery seed remaining(at 3wks. veg.) i also have 1 blue dream (9 days from germ.) and paradise white-berry(6 days from germ.) i no longer use MG i used a organic mixture i bought from a local store. i'm currently using 5 100w cfl's mixture of both soft white,and day light. my question is i'm not sure when i should stop watering i mean i understand you feed every few days, but how do i know i put enough water in the container. i also have FF BB for nutes and something called superthrive. When should I use these on my small plants? They recently sprouted out of the soil (1 at 5days and the other at 3 Days) will post pics soon as i find out how until then later.​



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Here's a look at my babies: the one with the label is my blue dream haze if anyone have tips pls drop a line
yhe other pink container is paradise seeds whiteberry heard its pretty quick to flower im growing under cfl's five total 23/100w replacement
the tall one in the blue is a mystery seed its actually about 31/2 weeks expected more by now but this is what i got it started in MG then i changed it but i think the MG was burning it but anyways pls subscribe and i will continue to post update


Well-Known Member
I'm really interested to see what kind of growing conditions you are working with :). I'm jealous that you first little guy has its its true leaves already. Mine is still looking like lettuce with its its second pair of blades growing out.


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its hard to take pics with a laptop but here it is my grow box really budget made i upgrade slowly as i get paid im guessing i might need a few more light but worried bout temperature control if i do. right now the temp is @80F myla is on the way so i can get rid of the white paper but so far so go any advice would help and if your curious of the set up tap into the post and i'll explain


Are those 100equivs? so they are 23w or true 100w? can't tell from the pics, but I'd say bring them way closer to the plants! Do you have an oscillating fan in there (Im sure your fans work just fine though)? I set mine brushing over the plants back and forth, seems to be great to keeping the temperatures down.

My lights (23watts)
2x6500k shared
2x6500k per plant

Might get another shared on the other side to keep it even, got an 150w hps coming though, so just waiting, don't want to add too much heat.. This is my first grow ever so I'm not the greatest, but read that CFLs should be kept really close, if you want to check out my journal it is here..

Keep it up1 :D:leaf:

Here is a picture of my setup @ 21 days in



there 23 w/100w replacements but they are pretty close only when i open the box the alter the light my set up is somewhat as close as yours.
how long have you been growing,and wat strains are you using


Ah, I get mine super close, CFLs drop off quickly.. This is my first grow about 21 days in and I have no idea what strain other than it being so freaking bushy, which I read is a good thing because they double/triple during flowering. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be all males, hermie is okay but next grow I'll be ordering some seeds, this is my test run before I go all out :)


Yea! I am afraid of the light burn too, but I think it is pretty much 'impossible' for CFL's to burn unless they are touching. I might of had mine a bit too close once and the leaves felt dry/crispy almost, not exactly what distance to keep 23w's at, I have them at 3-6 inches~


dang! How close was it? I've literally gotten mine about half an inch before with some airflow though, how hot is it in there? Is it going to be okay?


nall its pretty much scorched i hung it between a splitter and it was roughly 2in away but it was the mystery seed so it wasn't to bad on but my other have seen to stop growing my average temp is about 80F-83F but for some reason today it ran up to 90(strange) so i switched my outtake fan to intake (now there 2) since the box have numerous holes for ventilation but for the last three day i haven't noticed a difference on either plant(strange) any suggestions?


You got a few pictures to compare? Sometimes I can't even tell after a few days, get all worried and then wait its all normal lol. I'd say to double check the temps to check for sure. 90 seems crazy high, but I think they stop really growing past 95F, not so sure why yours are not growing, maybe someone with more expertise will post.