First grow n tox early flower help


So I got n tox on one strain and the other strain is thriving and a lot bigger

just starting second week of flower what should I do?

also I keep finding mites here and there so I will vacuum them off or spray insecticide soap and neem oil anything else I could do to completely get rid of them?

This is my first grow and I’m growing in hp promix myco coco

using remo nutes. Does anyone know how to grow in this stuff? I amended some extra lime since they been in the pots for so long

using half strengthbloom
Half Astro flower
3/4 strength cal mag
Full strength natures candy
1 tbsp epsom salt or slightly under
1/2 strength micro
60ml diamond nectar
47.5 ml hygrozyme

every water . I noticed the n tox so I cut the cal mag down even more bc it has 3-0-0 ratio

what else should I do? The micro has 3-0-1 also



Well-Known Member
Mites take some tenacity to get rid of. I always recommend Smite as one of the sprays to use. The thing with mites is they will lay eggs every 3-5 days, and they become immune to whatever you're throwing at them quickly. In turn their young become super bugs by the second or third generation that's on your plants lol. In order to eradicate them quickly you need 3-4 miticides on hand. Spray every three days and rotate through your lineup of miticide to keep them from becoming immune. Gotta be on top of it or its just wasted effort. I don't see N tox in these pics, but it could be the lighting. Biggest problem you have going is these mites, I would go order a variety of miticides and get ready for war.


Mites take some tenacity to get rid of. I always recommend Smite as one of the sprays to use. The thing with mites is they will lay eggs every 3-5 days, and they become immune to whatever you're throwing at them quickly. In turn their young become super bugs by the second or third generation that's on your plants lol. In order to eradicate them quickly you need 3-4 miticides on hand. Spray every three days and rotate through your lineup of miticide to keep them from becoming immune. Gotta be on top of it or its just wasted effort. I don't see N tox in these pics, but it could be the lighting. Biggest problem you have going is these mites, I would go order a variety of miticides and get ready for war.
Best I could get put the phone thru the grow goggles

