First grow need advice

Hey guys. Im about a week and a half into my veg cycle I do believe. For my lighting I have two 10 inch heat lamps with two CFLs in each and I have a 1000 watt digital outdoor timer and portable GFI and for plants I have two. For dirt I'm using miracle grow organic. For air circulation I have two fans one fan to blow on the plants and one to put fresh air into the closet. Is this all correct for my first time growing and how long should I have the plants under 18-6?


Well-Known Member
If you could it would be good to add a vent fan.

U can veg for as long as you want before induceing flower, but it is recomended you let the plants grow 1ft hight or a month old.

What watt are the cfls?

Also are you useing nutes?
I know the bulbs are 40 watt equilevent and no I'm not using nutes. What kind of nutes do I need to be using and well every basic thing about nutes I should know all I really understand is what I need to not burn down the house


heya ll im new in this site and alsow new in indoor growing... i have orderd some BIg BUd feminised seeds i dont know if they are god for first timers,i have a 400W MH lamp,a fan,a termomoter...for soil i think i will use sand,perlite,poting soil,and some organic that ok? and one more thing do i have to germinise the seeds or i can just plant them in the soil


Well-Known Member
Hay luciano. welcome, but your kinda hi-jacking his thread. but yes its better to germinate the seeds first in wet cotten wool. make sure thay dont dry up.
Also you will need a diff light to flower, I recomend a hps. I would just get a good all mix soil if you can.

Potsmoker; There are loads of diff nutes around. Just make sure for veging thay have high Nitrogen in them and for flower you want high Phosphorus.
I would recomend you use nutes if you can. you just mix it with the water when feeding (amount depends on what nutes) and flush with pure water every 3-4 waters.
Are the cfls 40 real watts of incandesent?
I water them ever 2 days and dampen the top dirt every day with a spray bottle with nutes. Also I swapped out my fluorescents with bigger and better ones I'll take photos of the set up and the plants again very soon they got much larger


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man.
You dont have to dampen the soil every day tho. you should let the soil dry out a bit before watering again.
That lets the roots get some oxygen, just dont let them dry out to mutch.
I water when the first few inchs of soil are dry.
Cool cool well I'd have pics up already but my comp crashed and so I installed windows 7 and now I have to take new pics and post them now I know this will be a hard question to answer with out a pic but I'll try to remember when I get home but my indica has strong leaves and very green but there not straight out like my sativa is the leafs are like pointing downwords like its a prude not wanting to show off that beautiful stem lol
Now with the nutes I have I don't remember what it is but I said it in an earlier post and I'm to lazy to look for I'm on a itouch so small screen don't really wanna look for it but anyways the bottle said use two teaspoons for every gallon so I did one teaspoon for every gallon and it's been feed three times like that and I've used only half a gallon am I not giving them enough or to much and I was thinking I once I go through this gallon I'll use two teaspoons or should I wait and do another gallon of one teaspoon?
Oh and also is four 27 watt and four 9 watt cfls enough for two plants i'm not using the 9 watters right now the plant isn't tall enough to think of something to make to hold the 9 watters damn I really have to take pics of this stuff


Well-Known Member
Pics look good man. the one on the right still looks a bit over watered tho.

As for the nutes, i wouldnt up them just yet. and when you do make it 1.5 and then 2.

The lights seem sufficient but more wattage means more bud so if possible it wouldnt hurt.

Hope this helps.
Cool cool thanks alot guys I'll keep posting here with more and more pics as I go through with questions and such anyone feel free to say anything about my plants all is welcome