First grow need help how does my plant look


Well-Known Member
Well to me it looks like tips are yellow, yes? Soilless mix has no nutrients in it, meaning there's most likely a nutrient defficiancy (deffinantly nitrogen right now, but possibly more than that)

And also, 100w cfl isnt really enough light to grow a weed plant.

Your plant at two weeks, looks like mine do at 3-4 days. Not to talk shit at all, but I just want you to get the idea that somethings wrong.

How big is the container your plants in? I'd say transplant into a bigger container with actual soil in it so you can get some kind of buffer zone. And I'd also give like a 1/4 dose of grow nutes to get some color and growth back into your girl
Don't listen to that. It looks fine for its age. Some plants take longer. That hsh I have took months to put any size on, then some explode quicker.

Let your plant tell you what it needs. Less is more.

See how a couple of your leaves are thin, it has some sativa in it. Some sativas are slow growers. Avoid trying to feed it alot to speed it up.

What kind of nutrients do you have.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to that. It looks fine for its age. Some plants take longer. That hsh I have took months to put any size on, then some explode quicker.

Let your plant tell you what it needs. Less is more.

See how a couple of your leaves are thin, it has some sativa in it. Some sativas are slow growers. Avoid trying to feed it alot to speed it up.

What kind of nutrients do you have.
Your telling me it's normal for a plant to be BARELY on its first set of leaves at two weeks old? Sorryman but that's just not true .

The truth is that something shocked and/or stunted it, and its not gonna continue to grow properly unless taken care of.

Cannabisclub, take your dynagrow, not the dynabloom, and feed at 1/8 strength. See how your plant reacts. If the yellowing goes away and growth begins, you did a good job. If nothing happens, wait until your soil is dry, then try feeding at 1/4 strength.

I'm tellin you man, checkout some of the soiless pro mix grows, or even checkout some grow guides in the begginners section. It'll really help you understand a lot of what's going on with your plants, and help you make your own desicions

You just don't wanna give a plant that small to much nutrients right now or you could overload and kill it


Well-Known Member
Your telling me it's normal for a plant to be BARELY on its first set of leaves at two weeks old? Sorryman but that's just not true .

The truth is that something shocked and/or stunted it, and its not gonna continue to grow properly unless taken care of.

Cannabisclub, take your dynagrow, not the dynabloom, and feed at 1/8 strength. See how your plant reacts. If the yellowing goes away and growth begins, you did a good job. If nothing happens, wait until your soil is dry, then try feeding at 1/4 strength.

I'm tellin you man, checkout some of the soiless pro mix grows, or even checkout some grow guides in the begginners section. It'll really help you understand a lot of what's going on with your plants, and help you make your own desicions

You just don't wanna give a plant that small to much nutrients right now or you could overload and kill it
He has the first, second, third, and the tips of the fourth.

Quit telling people stuff you don't know. That plant is fine for its age, just needs fed.
Some strains grow slower. You can't base his growth on yours unless you are running the same exact thing.
Even then thats not completely accurate, unless its clones off the same plant.


This thing looked like his, as far as size, at over a month old. It was a slow, slow, slow growing plant. Some are.
Genetics differ.


Well-Known Member
Well to me it looks like tips are yellow, yes? Soilless mix has no nutrients in it, meaning there's most likely a nutrient defficiancy (deffinantly nitrogen right now, but possibly more than that)

And also, 100w cfl isnt really enough light to grow a weed plant.

Your plant at two weeks, looks like mine do at 3-4 days. Not to talk shit at all, but I just want you to get the idea that somethings wrong.

How big is the container your plants in? I'd say transplant into a bigger container with actual soil in it so you can get some kind of buffer zone. And I'd also give like a 1/4 dose of grow nutes to get some color and growth back into your girl

And I call bull shit on you having plants that big after 4 days of sprouting.
He has multiple sets of leaves, but they are close together. Thats what you want.
The node spacing will come later. If you have it that early your doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Check out the pics in my journal posted on here. 150w pineapple express. First posted pics were at two weeks. You can call bullshit on whatever you want but when your wrong it kinda makes you look bad.

And also I see a plant with first node completely yellow,his second node is in but it's scraggly, and the 3rd node is barely starting to show growth. But the plants overall size is tiny. Can't be more than an inch and a half across, and MAYBE two inches high.

If your telling people that's normal at two weeks your outta your mind. And why are you even arguing with me? It's not like your giving him differing advice. You just want to call that a normal sized plant at two weeks and it's not.

Show me the pic of that same plant at two weeks that you just posted. Garunteed it's not that small.

Instead of trying to call bullshit on people giving sound advice, why don't you give your own advice and let OP decide what he'd like to do


Well-Known Member
That's all it basically is. We both wanna help u which is why we're arguing! But it's all good. Like I said, PLEASE read a few threads on soiless medium and maybe a few beginners grow guides to help u out


Well-Known Member
Add more light, veg for 4 weeks. And start with vegging nutes 1/4 strength at 3 weeks. Swithc to 12/12 at four weeks and start flowering nutes 1`/4 strength. Definitely need more light though. Happy growing!