First grow.. need some advice


Active Member
Ok so heres the deal. I have a box that is 28x18x13 with 2 CFL's 100w each. I am using 2 fans 1 for intake and 1 for exhaust. I germinated 8 seeds in a paper towel under a bowl to keep it dark. They germinated after 2 days. 6 seeds germinated and have been in the dirt for 1 1/2 days now. I'll post pictures later. A couple of questions. How long should I expect it to take to see them break surface of the dirt? any advice is welcome as well as any questions.


Well-Known Member
a nute is a nutrient. There are many different kinds of nutes, look at the grow journal section and read through what some people have used for their nutes. For example, I use General Hydroponics brand nutrients.


Well-Known Member
use the IMG code for photobucket. Copy and paste the link on the bottom under each pic that says img. That way your pics will show up and not just links.


Active Member
it took about 2 days for the seeds to sprout and im hoping for some surprise new ones in the morning. pics will be up then.


Well-Known Member
See told ya! for my next tip. If you have height/space limitations in your room, don't wait too long to start pruning and/or bending etc. At least for me, I tend to sit back and be amazed(and stoned) at how much and how fast they grow. Then by the time I realize I needed to top the plant or whatever, it is more difficult. Especially if you plan on the plant early(well...not late) so you'll encourage side branching aka clone sites.

And for the last see that little gray box with a _+plus symbol under my join it and watch the not really.. its the reputation system, just a way to say thanks.


Active Member
Good Morning Everyone! Had an exciting morning when I woke up to 2 plants now with the little coydl leaves and the 2 little jagged leaves. A third plant is about to break through as well, I can see its bent stem. Im currently using 2 100w envirolight CFLs on a 12/12 schedule and I raised the seeds a little closer to the sprouts. Im planning on starting LST as soon as possible. Pics will be up later. My camera sucks and I cant give you details until I use my buddy's camera. Keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
get rid of those cardboard dividers they just block light. After your plants sprout you need to transfer them to seperate pots.


Well-Known Member
press the scale and put in a comment

for me I usaly put in what board I was reping them from, why I was giving them rep then my sn

I would press the scale for shenagen's post area then I would put

First grow.. need some advice - awsome advice , thanks - BCSKing

then press add to rep