first grow need tons of help


Active Member
what i figured out if u put da plant n vegetative 4 a longer time and trim a little u get a fat plant that doesn't need to b tall 2 mass produce. i tried it on hight and got about 2lbs and i had 2 tie da plant so it didn't fall over. also when u get money from this u should get halide lights. if u can try 2 put 15-18hrs in veg. they will grow fast and big. if da leaves turn yellow stop wattering. if they curl up turn down da heat. calcium highers da ph u want it 6.5-7.5 higher will make a male &that is bad


Well-Known Member
if you want a short plant ur gona need good lights/more an to tie down ur plant (not trying to keep it from growing, but grow sideways) u can grow buds with your main stem runing parelle with the ground lipties an chopsticks or paper clips is what i use