First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!

so when i got home there was some signs of improvement after watering and a nice sunny day, but we also got some pop up heave downpours here, and they were pretty weighed down when i got home, but should be fine once they absorb some of that water. also got some Miracid today, not exactly the same as you recommended, ill post a pic later. im scared about the mix rate too, i dont wanna over do it! its 30-10-10 fert.


Well-Known Member
so when i got home there was some signs of improvement after watering and a nice sunny day, but we also got some pop up heave downpours here, and they were pretty weighed down when i got home, but should be fine once they absorb some of that water. also got some Miracid today, not exactly the same as you recommended, ill post a pic later. im scared about the mix rate too, i dont wanna over do it! its 30-10-10 fert.
Miracid is 30-10-10 so it's probably right. The small end of the scoops is for for 2qt's, so Id use 1 gal. so it's 1/2 strength. When in doubt go for less, see how they react then go more later. I'll check the pics.
ok so heres the pics of what I got. my plan was to take a 1 gal milk jug and pre-mix 1 gal of the fert + water. how much fert exactly should I use based on the directions? ive been told 1/8, 1/4 mixtures, whats best?



Well-Known Member
ok so heres the pics of what I got. my plan was to take a 1 gal milk jug and pre-mix 1 gal of the fert + water. how much fert exactly should I use based on the directions? ive been told 1/8, 1/4 mixtures, whats best?
That's the one. I look at the indoor houseplants, so small end of the scoops is for for 2qt's, so I'd use 1 gal. so it's 1/2 strength.
lol im not sure why, but you confused me haha. to reiterate, 1 gallon of water to 1 small end scoop = 50% str? and use this now every time I water?


Well-Known Member
lol im not sure why, but you confused me haha. to reiterate, 1 gallon of water to 1 small end scoop = 50% str? and use this now every time I water?
:blsmoke:yep 1 little scoop w/ 1 gal. water is 50%. Not every time, but every third, or maybe every other time. I confuse myself sometimes.:eyesmoke: Look at my two queens to see a bit of confusion.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Your plants are big enough to handle that dose, so that strength should be fine. I'd say to feed it about once a week, but that's hard to recommend, without actually being there. The best thingto do, would be to feed them, then wait 5 days or so, and keep an eye on the new growth, leaf tips, etc....If the newest growth has burnt tips, or is really dark green, you are borderline overfert. I doubt it'll still be deficient, but if it is, they'll be a lighter green, of course. It's all about finding a balance, and not overdoing it. Also, hard to give exact recomendations, because every situation is different. Like they and learn. :wink:
was just lookin at em, comin along nicely , fridge = great idea :D

ill likely do it every 3rd, too afraid to do something bad again :-/ wont be watering again till at least the weekend, watered em good till I saw a bit come out the bottom on sunday, then a bit of rain today. is it ok for them to be gettin battered by the rain? they always seem to spring back, but i hate lookin at em all waterlogged haha.

would you recommend topping the taller ones? im really nervous they will peek over my fence very soon, especially once they being flowering. should I wait to see sex first?

thanks so much for the replies :D great community goin here :D
how big of a chunk can I remove? its just 1 in particular thats alot taller then the rest.


its the biggest healthiest one, so beautiful...I hate to do it! haha


Well-Known Member
^You can cut it all the way down to the bottom branch/s if you Seriously though, you can take off as much as you need, whether it be 2" or 2', and wherever you chop it, it'll split in 2, then start growing upwards, again. The choice is your's. :)
started to see a little bit of droop today after being inside all day yesterday due to heavy thunderstorms. havent watered since sunday, so I mixed up some of the Miracid 30-10-10, as recommended before, and gavem a good drink. sposed to be a decent day out, mid 80s, no rain so hoping to see some results by the end of the day! :)
been a few days, starting to see some action in the "v" area where the leaves attach to the main stem, mostly new leaves, but assuming/hoping for lil white hairs soon! Is it odd that ive gotta water my plants pretty much on a daily basis? as youve seen from the pics, ive got 15 or so crammed in 1 pot, but they are doing well together so together they stay :) but it seems if i wont givem a drink in the am before work, they are very droopy when i get home. weather here the last 2 weeks has been brutal 90s all week with tons of humidity. they seem to respond almost instantly to a watering when droopy, so should I just keep doin a daily watering, because it seems like they drink a hell of a lot lol. if I continue to water daily, how often should I use the nutes mix?


Well-Known Member
I go by the color, they'll lighten up, but with that 1/4 or 1/2 str I'd say once a week. Post some pics and jawbrodt and I'll give our opinion.
only had time for 2 quick ones, neighbors outside watering their flowers n such :-/

they have gotten 2 waterings of nutes each about a half gal per watering.

aside from that they have been getting about a half gallon, 2 times a day.

on a side note, it being outside grow, if I try and force 12/12 outside now, will it have any bad effects? ive got some close friends visiting the first week of sept, and would like at least a lil something, even if its a bit early, to enjoy with em :)


newb weed grower

Active Member
iron he is right and yah water it
ive only read a few but i can agree with his post if u wanted good advice he gave u it
also i gotta say
there not lloking too bad so there isnt much pf a worry


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, looking pretty good. Still a tad light in color, but not bad at all. I'd give them a little more fert than I would a single plant, probably increase by 50% of what you're doing now. Then keep an eye on the newest growth, and if the leaf tips are brown/burnt, back off a little. Same, if the leaves are dark green.

Honestly, it's probably a good idea to put them on 12/12 asap, so that they don't choke each other out, or keep it to a minimum, at any rate. It would be a REALLY good idea to go buy a giant pot and transplant asap, because they need at the space they can get. That's why they are going throuigh so much water. They're isn't enough pot volume to sustain them, especially at those high temps.
currently using 1/2 of the small scoop of mericide to 1 gallon of water. you say do a full small scoop now? as far as 12/12, ive got no real way to cover em, tried some barrels but not nearly tall enuff haha, kinda scared to glad bag em, but if that works...

is it imperitive that its exactly 12/12? will close work too? sun is up around 6am or so, but doesnt set until 8:15ish, and im not home from work @ a consistant time every day. how long of 12/12 should it take to see pre-sex?