First Grow, New England area, outdoors, PROBLEMS! PICS!


Well-Known Member
Daniels? jawbrodt? the suspense is killing me! lol
Sorry, been busy on some DIY Project for a CMH Bulb. I agree the color looks a bit light. They can handle a bit more. I'd definitely get a pot or 2 to give them some room. Then ditch the males when they show sex.
From that second pic. If you were to cut above those 2 new leaf sets it would grow 2 branches off those leaf sets. So that'll give you an idea what we mean by topping to keep it lower. It makes a bush not a Christmas tree like this.
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ya next time im definately gonna go with far fewer seeds, so the few plans i get are nice and healthy, and I definately prefer the bushier look then 12 ft tall haha.
but its the biggest one, looks so purttty, will I lose alot of budding @ the top?

unfortunatly, more/bigger pots arent an option for me, my wife would FREAK out lol, she already hates this one big pot haha.

/prays for signs of sex soon to shrink numbers


Well-Known Member
ya next time im definately gonna go with far fewer seeds, so the few plans i get are nice and healthy, and I definately prefer the bushier look then 12 ft tall haha.


Well-Known Member
P.S. You'll get more yield from one nice plant, than you would off of a bunch packed in one pot. :)


Well-Known Member
^Is cloning an option? Feminized seeds? It'd be a good idea to go buy a prepaid Visa card, and order 2-3 feminized seeds, IMO. It's not that risky, especially for a guy like you, growing a little for personal use. Just don't tell your wife about it, 'cause it doesn't sound like she'd be too happy about the idea.LOL

IDK, I guess if you absolutely can't have more than one pot, and can't get your hands on a guaranteed female, you don't have much choice, do ya? Sorry man, that :)
whats the penalty for buying/shipping seeds in the US?

what about the bagging idea? how soon will they show if i start baggin em for 12 a day? ive also read you can bag for 48 hours straight and this can also induce em to show their private parts, is this true?


Well-Known Member
Customs will just take them. They have alot more to deal with than fucking with you over a 5 pack of seeds. If Wifey sees them tell Her Danielsgb sent them to ya.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few guys on here that had their seeds confiscated at the border, and got nothing more than a letter from customs, stating that they confiscated. Nothing else. Think about it, thousands of seeds get shipped here every month, and for the law to go and track down people who ordered them, would be ridiculously expensive. I wouldn't be worried, unless you are a kingpin ordering a pile of Then, they'd have good reason to track you down. I have no idea what the penalty is, so can't say what would happen if you did somehow get caught. Probably a couple hundred dollar fine, and some probation.

If you bag them, you'll see preflowers before the two week mark. If you give them 48 hours darkness, it might happen a little sooner. IDK, never tried it, but some guys swear by it. I don't like confusing them any more than I have to, so I go straight to 12/12, and skip the 48 hour thing. Plus, I grow perpetual, so it isn't an option. I usually see preflowers shortly after the first week, so a couple days isn't worth the added stress, IMO. :)
goin to try the 48 hour darkness beginning today, a shot of water/slightly higher dose of nutes and into the closet for the weekend she goes!

lets hope for some sex on sunday!! LOL!


is it ok for them to sit without water in there for 2 days? i dont wanna inturrupt the darkness to water. they got a good watering today before goin in.

also what about airflow? this closet doesnt allow for a fan to fit inside, will they be ok for just the 2 days?


Well-Known Member
I've never tried that so I only have some things to mention. I've heard of 36 hrs to start 12/12. It takes a week or 2 of 12/12 before they show. I've only put clones I know are females outside. As far as watering them, if the room is dark and you don't waste time I think it would be OK. Remember plants outdoors see a full moon, and street lights. If the room is totally dark you could open the door a few times quickly to exchange the air. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Just go in halfway through the weekend and check to see if your container is getting light. I've never grown multiple plants in one pot, but chances are they won't be going through much water in 48 hrs of darkness.
12 hours to go, gonna go with 36 instead of 48, because its gonna be amazing outside tomorrow, and 36 will put me @ sunrise tomorrow morning, perfect timing to start 12/12 :D


Well-Known Member
12 hours to go, gonna go with 36 instead of 48, because its gonna be amazing outside tomorrow, and 36 will put me @ sunrise tomorrow morning, perfect timing to start 12/12 :D
If you get this on time...check the sunrise/sunset times for your area, and figure out when to put it outside so it only gets 12 hrs of light tomorrow. I don't know if it will make any difference, but an extra day of trying to trigger a strong flower response couldn't hurt.
pullin pics off my camera as we speak, lookin a bit yellow @ the tops/centers, assuming its because of lack of sunlight for the 36 hours and is semi-normal?

seems a few of the smaller ones are showin me their balls!! :(
sorry for the crappy pics, macro setting w/o a macro lense ftl :(

ya after closer inspection, theres definatly some balls showin on a few in my rookie opinion. should I givem a few more days to make sure? how long till the sacs open and ruin the rest of my babies? id hate to clip early, but id also hate to lose a bunch too!

is it normal for the balls to show so fast, but not a single set of female "fingers" yet?

ill post some more pics later today after I get home from work, and they have had some time in the sun to wake up a bit :)

