First Grow & New member to the rollitup community.

I will be doing my first grow with a DWC setup. I started the germinating process on Friday, the 17th. By monday morning 3 out of 4 seeds were ready to be transplanted into some starter rockwool cubes. I am also using some bagseed, just to see how my first run through will go. I currently have those seedlings under a 100watt cfl/white light.Temp in the veg room is aprox. 82.
Sprouts (day 4).jpgGhettogrow.jpg
Ah thanks, I know it is a little bit ghetto, but I plan to improve it with time.. Keep in mind this is in my closet, that is not even a walk in haha. I have the top section for vegging and the bottom for flowering. I have not posted my flower room picture because it is not completed. I am also using Great White root stimulator along with Fox Farms Grow Big for this stage of my plants life. I PH'd the water at around 5.7. Now all we have to do is wait. =)
wud up bruh. welcome n good luck

Whats up, how's it smokin'? Thanks for the interest in my thread, hopefully my grow will come out good. I plan to post a lot of pics during all stages of life for these wonderful plants. Also plus rep for posting on my very first thread.
Alright so I woke up this morning and these little fuckers were standing straight up and that third one that is movin' slow finally popped up =) I went to class came back and checked out the two big ones roots and they were at the bottom of my starter cubes so I moved them to the 3x3s. Left the slow grower in still to grow in the starter cubbe. Here are some pics, oh and also 4leaves woot woot.
Sprouts Day 5.jpgDay 5.jpgTwo in Cubes day 5.jpg
If you guys have any suggestions just lemme know.
Get that light closer if you can so you can avoid stretching.
Actually I was just thinking that before I read your post. I moved it closer, but the space I'm working with is very unusual =(. I have to have the light posted from the side and just hope i get enough refelection, atleast till I can get a better veg room set up, my flower room should be decent.