First Grow - New Upd8 - FeedBack PLS


New Member
i mean i good i couldnt say exactly cus i use my homemade...hydroponics/watering system to hand water...basically so i dont have to go get water and make it exactly right every basically when they are dry i water them enuf to the point where prob every bit of the soil is wet. ima put some pics of tomm of all the plants outa the growin environment i took some pics tonight out in my living room where u can see them better but im to tired to put them up check back tomm and see what u think...i seriously dont think its underwatering but im not sure exactly why they seem to be up and down depending on the day...the water i use is exactly where it should be no chlorine ph is exactly at 6.8. but like i said i left the water in the resivoir there to long and it looked merky and nasty and i think that was half the now ima keep changing it weekly if not earlier. gavem all nutes today just to make sure that wasnt the problem cus i havent given them nutes in like 2 weeks. because i didnt wanna over do ill see how they do in the morning and post the pics i took tonight and then the ones in the morning after i wake up...check back tomm and tell me what u think


Active Member
Hey nice looking grow, you said they seem to wilt when the lights are on and then go back to normal when lights are off... You might want to check and make sure they lights are not to close. I have one place that the leaves were all wilted and when I moved it away from the light the leaves went back to normal. Sounds like your watering them just right I do the same thing water till I get some drainage at the bottom then let them sit out for about 15min to make sure I get all the excess out of them. How many weeks into veg are you? Hope this helps a little. Keep up the good work.


New Member
well the biggest plant. is like 6 weeks old but im letting the rest catch up. before i flower. regardless i should b able 2 keep it in veg state forever if i needed 2....but the other ones are about 3-4 weeks and the smallest ones are like 2 weeks old. ima try 2 get the lights alil farther away and see if that helps


New Member
okay and seperately here is the pic i took today now that the lights are on....those pics from last night i took at like 4 in the morning once the lights had been off for bout 4 hours....and i just took this picture as of 3:45 CST and look at the difference in the confused the temp in the room is 78 right now. i dont get why it wilts so bad during the day but then when the lights are off it gets better...



New Member
well i have to put some new pics up today because i gave it a good watering and some nutes last night....i think it was a nute deficiency...ill post pics ina lil bit but it straight up came back to life last night lol thx for the help newayz guys


Well-Known Member
that plant is stuntg just watter everry two days top if possible the newer growth wouldnt be affected by the stunt that may not change on the older leaves they wont day either thy just grow slow. bee leave me top and patients at this point.


New Member
okay so i took norths and rosemans advice on the mixed spectrum lighting so now im running 12 daylight (27 watt) bulbs and 4 soft white (42 watt) bulbs. totaling 492 watts. im hopeing to see some good results from them...but ima have to figure out a better away to arrange everything cus it looks like a fucking clusterfuck of wires and whatnot in there....makes it hard to even get to the plants in the back when watering so heres some new pics but ima work on placing the lights better. cus IMO it looks like shit in there now even tho i have alot of light which is good lol. what do yall think?



Active Member
I'm having trouble thinking what could be wrong with your plants. Have you transplanted them in the last 10 days? Your pics remind me of when I forget to transplant my pots soon enough and the roots run out of space. Usually when this happens the plant continues to grow but just looks kinda droopy. Also cut away leafs that have lots of yellow, or just cut off the yellow part. I would consider cutting off the lower branches on most of your plants just to see if you cam let some light into the stems too. Also you might remove lower branches just because they draw energy away from the plant, especially since usually not enough light gets down there anyways, leave the energy for the upper buds, and areas that get most light. I'm thinking you should transplant them into something bigger, make sure your nute feedings are little conservative, in case their was some over fertilization. Maybe for one day when you'd normally water let your plants dry out, if they really start drooping then you know it is underwatered, if they lift ever so slightly then you know it's overwatered. Extra lights will help. If they start looking a little better I would consider taking a few clones, and just throwing everything over 6 inches right into flowering. I bet your roots are stuck, check that out, sometimes you can just pop em out and look, and still be able to put them back in.


New Member
ya i figured id transplant them soom but i need to go get some bigger pots and create some more area in the closet...cus i wont b able to fit the bigger size pots in there all together....and ya i always cut away yellow shit...i just wait a couple days...because they say that even if they are yellow for a couple days they get all they can outa those leaves b4 they compleletely die...and what do u mean cuttin lower branches and whatnot? im wondering which ones...and if i do that should i use those branches as clones...i wasnt plannin on cloning cus i dn how long ima grow for...i may take a break after im done with these plants. but i figure ill take a couple....i know how to take clones and everything im just wondering if u mean take the lower branches for clones or take the lower branches just to get them outa there so that the plant can get more light? and ya im easin up a bit on the nutes i think i overdid it a tad...but i always have problems with either yellowing of my leaves or drooping im trying to nail exactly what the problem thinkin the yellowing leaves was prob nute burn and then the drooping was prob either to much heat or overwatering...its deff not underwatering.
Your plants look great but you have a little problem.

First of all
Causes leaf tips to appear yellow or burnt. To correct soil should be flushed with three gallons of water per one gallon of soil. check out this web site
It honestly has the best diagnosis and growing problems.
Secondly get rid of the damn alfoil and mirror. Doesn't matter what soil you use, you honestly need to be growin in a mixture of vermiculite and perlite.
Make sure you wash out your nutrients with fresh water regularly.
I do it every Sunday, and run freshly made nutrient through.
Good luck and I hope this helps.


New Member
ya i know its over fert. what r u talking about gettin rid of the alfoil and mirror...u mean the mylar? why would i get rid of reflective material. that prob doubles if not triples my light in there...theres vermiculite and perlite in my soil. and u mean like just get normal tap water and flush it out the soil with it hardcore? nice problem solving page man thx for the info


New Member
but ya thats not aluminum foil thats mylar...which is second best on reflecting light to a wall painted solid thats not going out...and theres no mirror its all mylar


New Member
okay heres some pics i took ur advice and hopefully ur right about the transplant it seemed like they really did need to be in a bigger pot already. so i moved them heres some new pics hopefully they pick up in the next couple days i deff gave nute burn 2 that main plant bad...ima hafta cut back on how much i give by alot lol. and then one of my lights slowly moved down ovr the night the other night cus the screw on the work light wasnt completely tight and burned the top just a tad...hopefully that doesnt ruin anything should i top it? but newayz heres the pics lemme know what yall think and ill keep ya updated on the new progress with the new pots.

ima add hi-res pics...but my server is down. so ima add them l8er.



New Member
ok so ima put up some new pics l8er the plants are looking better today...half prob cus i transplanted the plants into bigger pots...and secondly i got a box fan i put at my door now which is reducing my temps about 5-8 with my cover sheet down or now i have 2 fans blowing ovr the girls and then the box fan is moving ALOT more air into the room. but im deff seeing some good comin. adding pix ina lil


New Member
Okay so i realized awhile ago i was over ferting and iv since corrected that problem thx to everyone for what help they could give...but i also realized i wasnt overwatering i was underwatering lol...i was being way to picky about how much i was watering cus i thought i was overwatering. but iv been flushing the soil weekly and giving alot more water each water. and the plants look alot better heres some new pics...i basically fucked up that first plant i dn when im even keeping it...but o well...i did better on the rest of them...guess that how first grows go.




New Member
and also im wondering what these white dusty looking specs are on my leaves....the only way u can see them is to zoom in on the hi-res pics...thats the only reason i noticed it was gonna i wanted to see how close i could go lol.