First grow newbie


Active Member
Plants our just at 3 weeks old. Last few days they really seem to be putting on height and width. I have been reading up on topping. I have no issues with height 8 ft tent with light at max height still leaves me with 6 ft of clearance from top of smart pots. Plants are all autos. Should I top or just let them go?



Well-Known Member
Plants our just at 3 weeks old. Last few days they really seem to be putting on height and width. I have been reading up on topping. I have no issues with height 8 ft tent with light at max height still leaves me with 6 ft of clearance from top of smart pots. Plants are all autos. Should I top or just let them go?
Do not top autos.
Seedlings our about one week from popping out of rapid rooters. Planted directly into the final grow pot which is a 5 gal smart pot. Using a pro mix all purpose mix with added perlite and vermiculite. Just using well water with no added nutrients so far. Water is natural ph of 6.7 and has a ppm of 300. I am running a 600 watt mh light with cool tube. Tent is averaging about 73 to 78 with a humidity of 49 to 60. Plants seem to be healthy so far. One has a slight lighter tint towards center of plant and leaves but still putting on new smaller leaves with no issues.
The yellowing in one part of the plant can be caused by a molybdenum deficiency.
Its pretty harmless but there are some micronutrient foliar sprays out there that can help quickly correct it! It can also be caused by having sub 5.5ph soil which reduces the available molybdenum. Little late but could be helpful in the future!
For Autos, always start them in the pot that is going to be their final home, otherwise, you run a very high risk of stunting their growth.
Also, they are a lot more sensitive to nutrients, they can be over fertilized very easily.
This is really good advice for a newer grower to minimise chances of f-ing it up.
I do think tho with a little bit of thought, prep and practice you can minimise transplant shock and get better root growth to the point its not worth playing safe.
Ive always put the old pot in the bigger one then fill it so I'm left with a perfect hole to transplant into then sprinkle in some mycorrhizae n slot the plant in.
Have to say I don't see much slow down especially with the newer auto flowers that are do much more stable and stress resistant than their ancestors.