First Grow Nirvana ak-48 Hydro Any Help or Comments Would be Greatly Appreciated


Well-Known Member
3 weeks into flower first time adding earth juice bloom powder and cal-mag, hopefully next weeks pictures arent RIP ones :(. the little guys stalk and stems are very weak and thin any specific reason for this? im thinking lack of light because due to my lack of space i had to move him to the closet with some cfls because the big guys needed more room they are nearly 4 feet tall and 3 feet wideView attachment 1554920View attachment 1554921View attachment 1554922View attachment 1554923View attachment 1554924View attachment 1554925View attachment 1554926View attachment 1554927View attachment 1554928View attachment 1554929
hows the ventilation?? adding a fan might help... wen ur plants have a constant breeze blowing on them... and u can see the plant sligthly wobble... this is good.... it will help build up strength.. its almost like a workout for the stems.. its not too late to try now. good luck man... theyre lookin good


Active Member
i usually keep a 6 inch desk fan going at all times to build stem strength i think it might be a boron deficiency but idk. ill try hooking a fan up in the im just nervous cuz i dont think she can take most of her limbs are being supported by the box shes in


Well-Known Member
Hey chubbs. Have u thought about tying all the branches up. Like tie the main stem up top to the roof of ur box and tying the branches to the stem to hold em up. Cause when they pack on weight they'll really drop imo


Active Member
ya im gonna do that a bit later last night i gave her a heaping teaspoon of bloom powder and he branches stiffened up allot im deff gonna track her progress closely over the next few days


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. That's good. I hope they hold up for u cause its such a beauty. Idk if u have any problems getting 1 gallon buckets but on the us olatics website they got 1 gallon buckets for like 3 bucks a pop. And they come in black. I got 4 last night. 16 for shipping and all


Active Member
thats not too bad those are the same price as my 2 gallon buckets but if you subtract the money you would save on nutes and duct tape to cover em up its a pretty good deal do they have lids?


Well-Known Member
Yea but they were sold separate for like 33 cents or so. I was gonna go 2 gallon but I went for the cheaper. I figure thatll be enough for a 2 to 3 ft plant, what u think? oh and they're black, would u still need tape on em?


Active Member
ya your kinda right but also wrong at the same time lol. 1. you are correct you wont need tape 2. you can only use the one gallon butckets during veg because they dont drink much but into flowering youll either need to change them every two days or so or go with bigger buckets later on


Well-Known Member
I think what I may do, as silly as it sounds. It start off in my one gallons. Then make a good sized hole in my 5 gallon lid so I can just take the one gal lid and put the roots through the 5 gal easily and the one gal lid sits on top of it. May not work but I figured I could run the one gal all the way. Maybe it would just make it more hands on and I could play with it more doing all the way in 1 gal


Well-Known Member
if u go to shaws/stop adn shop.. or any grocery store probably.... they have to big kabob sticks... almsot like giant toothpics. lol. you could stick a few in the soil adn tie it to the main cola.. adn that will help support it. it wont strengthen it at all... but it ull deff help.. cuz like sum1 else said... once u get deep into flowering.... gonna be alotta weight to support.. =/ im sure youll figure sumthin out man. be creative! =D


Well-Known Member
how u doin chubbs? Glad to hear that ur ladies r doing better with the Cal mag boost. Are they putting on some weight now? Man that rhino blew up quick in the 1 gal. Its taller than the veneno now lol. But it'll probably be gettn chopped soon. Thanks for all ur help man. The top feeding 2 or 3 timés a day really helped its root growth, there is roots everywhere on it now. I will send u pics this evenin just to show u what ur help did for me. + rep for givin it life


Active Member
hey every one whats goin on? sorry iv been busy for the past couple weeks building a new grow room :) its killer, Its a closet covered in orca film its 9 feet tall with a three foot veg box on the bottom and about 6 feet of room for floower ill throw picks up later