First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
I'll subscribe, my next grow is to be Blue Mystic regular seeds, so i'll give yours a look.
lol thanks buddy appreciate it. cool im a fan of the blue mystic so far. I also have lsd, vanilla kush, cali has, aurora indica and royal haze germinating now :)


Well-Known Member
I think more followers will come once it really starts to flower. Veg is so boring! :p

You have a bunch of different genetics, nice. I'm still looking for Strawberry Diesel with no luck.


Well-Known Member

If you think his grow is that crappy you could simply not reply and close out of it. I do that all the time. I'm sure people feel the same about my grow, but I don't really care. If you think my grow is crappy that's great, just don't go being a douche about it. Be an adult. Don't act like some stupid little 16 year old punk stoner and talk shit about his grow.

Not everyone can afford a 1000w grow.

It's funny for such a crappy grow his thread is 22 pages whereas yours was only 4.


Well-Known Member
thanks mr2shim. its all good just ignore the kid. hes prolly a lil kid w.e every forum has people who like to start on threads cuz they like to be internet tuff guys lol.


Well-Known Member
Who the hell is that guy? NOBODY! So who cares what he says. Your BM is looking good vicious.


Well-Known Member
seeds still have no sprouted its only been 1 day in the rockwool and humidity dome im just impatient. but grow ganja has actually made me very patient.


Well-Known Member
my leaves are also very very dry idk whats wrong. it seems like no matter how much i water the plant doesnt get heavier. it almost goes straight through. like my runoff is whati put in.


Well-Known Member
What's the pH of the runoff? What kind of soil are you using? Are you giving them the water at a steady rate or dumping it on them? I noticed when I pour very slow most of it gets absorbed.