First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
hmm yeh i am kind of dumping it. ph is 6.4 and the soil is ffof. and im geting a whole bunch of holes in my leaves. but there is not one bug under a magnifine glass or anything.


Well-Known Member
that's odd, ocean forest is known NOT to drain well. It's probably because you're dumping it. Water needs time to diffuse through the soil at an even pace. otherwise it'll just rush past the dry soil down the side of the pot and out the bottom. Here's what i do. I pour my water into cups and water one side, then the other with a new cupfull. It kind of makes me slow down on the watering. I found that i use less water.


Well-Known Member
ok so i looked today and so many of my leafs have even more rips and i looked on the 2nd plant and thats getting holes too. so i went to local hydro store and he said its either a.bubs or b. to much nutes. well i feel like its my nutes but i gave my plant a ava drench today to kill anything if there were bugs. tomrow i will post pictures . i am a little depressed right now. =0(


New Member
I got kinda the same thing going on with one of my blue mystics as far as the rips, I am pretty sure its genetic problem....your plant looks amazing for 1 month, dont worry indicia start to grow kind of slow sometimes especially in adulthood..yer plant will do fine your grow looks good



Well-Known Member
I got kinda the same thing going on with one of my blue mystics as far as the rips, I am pretty sure its genetic problem....your plant looks amazing for 1 month, dont worry indicia start to grow kind of slow sometimes especially in adulthood..yer plant will do fine your grow looks good

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wow thanks bro you made me feel much better!!! thanks man!


Well-Known Member
the temp in the room is about 70. the box is always low 70's usualy under 75. i have two big intake fans and two exaust fans. and one fan inside just blowing on the 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
My sour cream has tears in it as well. I can't figure out how I haven't seen a bug in weeks. Your plants are looking great. Looks like they're getting some height to them.


Well-Known Member
yeh the plant is 12" tall n like 11 wide. im just feeling down about it. hopefully it perks up i just bought some shit called big bud thats supposed to be really good u ever hear of it?


Well-Known Member
yeh the plant is 12" tall n like 11 wide. im just feeling down about it. hopefully it perks up i just bought some shit called big bud thats supposed to be really good u ever hear of it?
Yea i've heard of big bud. If I had the spare monies I would deff buy some.


New Member
yeh the plant is 12" tall n like 11 wide. im just feeling down about it. hopefully it perks up i just bought some shit called big bud thats supposed to be really good u ever hear of it?
that is normal, infact i would say its impressive that you are using CFL & Soil and achieved what you have in this short of a time frame actually......Don't go feeding it to much of that stuff be very careful...with you fox farm soil you'd only want to give it 50% the dose or less maybe once in its lifetime, maybe once at week 6 of flowering.

I will suggest to you mollases for your waterings if you are not aware of it, I use it in every watering it feeds microbes in your soil, helps detour pests, and fattens up your buds 25% you can see it with your own eyes...1 to 2 tbsp per gal


Well-Known Member
that is normal, infact i would say its impressive that you are using CFL & Soil and achieved what you have in this short of a time frame actually......Don't go feeding it to much of that stuff be very careful...with you fox farm soil you'd only want to give it 50% the dose or less maybe once in its lifetime, maybe once at week 6 of flowering.

I will suggest to you mollases for your waterings if you are not aware of it, I use it in every watering it feeds microbes in your soil, helps detour pests, and fattens up your buds 25% you can see it with your own eyes...1 to 2 tbsp per gal

thanks bro i appriciate that. yes i am using molasses. just started last water actually.


Active Member
my blue mystic looks so small compare to yours. Keep up the good work man. I want to compare results between hydro and soil grows. I also have tears in some of my leafs. I don't know what the cause is, but its not hurting my plants.