First grow [ Nirvana's Ice - Soil - CFLs ]


Active Member
Day 35 [Flower] [Total: 63 Days]

Got a little MG/Cal deficiency problem apparently. Foiler fed them epsom salts today, purchasing cal mag soon.


Well-Known Member
TillthedayiDIE420 why don't you start a fucking grow already and stop talking smack in everyones journals. really, you are to post here to make good comments not tell people what to do, make "comments" don't be a fucking prick.

start a grow and lets see what you can do.

fucking idiot.
LOL k first off mate, i am currently growing and i have more crop's under my belt from just this year then you've grown in total... so stfu just because i dont have a picture dude.... lol i dont "tell people what to do" i give them an idea of what they can do... so greenbeast stfu you bitch, you dont know shit.
like ive said before, i do not have a computer that is able to connect my digital camera... this comuter doesent have sound... so before you try and act like king shit, grow your 1st plant first dude...


Well-Known Member
HM, awesome pics, dude. Had my mouth watering....LOL. What camera do you use, if you don't mind my asking. I have an old Sony 3.1 megapixel but can never get the close up detail you have in those pics. I need an upgrade.


Active Member
HM, awesome pics, dude. Had my mouth watering....LOL. What camera do you use, if you don't mind my asking. I have an old Sony 3.1 megapixel but can never get the close up detail you have in those pics. I need an upgrade.
Sure, no problem. It's a Nikon Coolpix L3. Got it for $150, and I am very pleased with the pictures it puts out. It has a 2 inch LCD, 3x Optical and 4x Digital zoom, and 5.1 megapixels.

Yeah Spittn, haha. This started about a week ago and first I was like "wtf" because I thought they were maturing so early. But I am glad it is just bruising... that means these buds will fatten up a lot more. (hopefully)


Active Member
LOL k first off mate, i am currently growing and i have more crop's under my belt from just this year then you've grown in total... so stfu just because i dont have a picture dude.... lol i dont "tell people what to do" i give them an idea of what they can do... so greenbeast stfu you bitch, you dont know shit.
like ive said before, i do not have a computer that is able to connect my digital camera... this comuter doesent have sound... so before you try and act like king shit, grow your 1st plant first dude...

then take some pics, chowda head.. stop spamming threads. listen to this too shit head.... hps/mh are WAY more expensive... and have WAY more problems then cfl... you have a larger chance of burning your house down due to the fact you HAVE to have a good ballast.. which is minimun 250 bucks... you also HAVE to have fans for vent and exhaust. do to the heat you're bragging about that they produce... then your hydro bill is a different story.. not to mention heat burns are more frequent...

there you dick head.. theres all the disadvantages pointed out like a a bias new york times article...

"There is no such thing as a bad plant, just bad growers"

any moron can come onto this site and blurt out shit he read off a different forum or thread and make him self look like he knows what hes talking about.

grow up you faggot.

great plants btw :D


Well-Known Member
Do you realize how old this thread is man? Why are you getting so worked up over something that is obviously dead?


Well-Known Member
looking good bro. I've found with my current Ice grow.. from Nirvana.. that its actually more on the Sativa side. I mean yeah, its got some indica in it.. but more Sativa than Indica.

My girls are on day #1 of week #6 of flowering as of today.. and they're both doing great. They're just now starting to spit out some mad trichs.. just starting to get frosty. They both have between 2 and three weeks left before its time to harvest them... so i figure by then.. they'll be nice and frosty like they should be.

anyhow, keep up the good work man.. and good luck with yours!!!

thought I was the only one around here currently growing this strain.. so its good to see that someone else is growing it too.. wish you the best of luck with your girls.

if you feel like it, check out my ladies. Link is in my signature..

peace bro! :peace: