First Grow No Experience!


Active Member
Sup dudes, alright so i went broke found a seed and im trying to grow it, I went through the germination stage and i planted it in the soil. Well its on day 2, 3 small green flowers are starting to show and im putting this shit up here cuz you guys proably have more experience than me and can tell if something is going wrong.

I will update this every week!

Day 2 ( September 30, 2008 ):leaf:-

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looks okay but you're going to need a lot more soil. Will this be grown indoors or outdoors? When you transplant it into its permanent home make sure the pot has a couple small holes in the bottom for drainage.


Active Member
ya i transplanted it yesterday into a bigger pot with holes and put tin foil in a big storage bing and put the pot in there.

growing it indoors.

also that cup is huge it is wide then gets wider that cup is filled more than halfway up


Active Member
i wouldnt recomend tin foil, i read it makes the light into beams instead of evenly spread throughout the growbox or growroom