First grow - not looking too good


Medium: Coco Coir
Light: 1 x 45W CFL 6400K (
Light Cycle: 18/6
Seed: Auto Northern Lights
Pot: 5L (want to keep the plant small)

Please note that this is my first grow and I apologise if anything there is incredibly obvious.

The area which I’m growing in is an old PC case converted to a grow box (I intend to use this for my first grow only to save money).

I planted my seed about 10 days ago and there seem to be some problems. It is now about 1.5’’ tall. The two first leaves are different sizes with the larger one drooping down and the smaller one facing up (with the edges of the leaves turning black). The other two leaves haven’t grown much and have turned a yellowish colour. I moved the flat closer to the light when the second set of leaves started coming in (about 1-2 inches away). The stock is also a deep purple colour at its base and this fades and turns green when it reaches the first set of leaves.

I watered the medium prior to planting the seed and allowed ~20-30% extra run off. I also watered (without nutes) 4 days ago and once again last night (this time using 0.25 ml/l of BioBizz BioGrow).

Based on what I’ve read this might be as a result of over-watering however I’d like to get the opinion of someone who has more experience than me. If this is the case, what is the best course of action to take (if any) and if not any help would be appreciated.

I plan to upload photographs later when I return home.

On a related note, I have been looking into getting a grow tent with the necessary apparatus (carbon filter etc). How much (if at all) impact will this have on my grow if I do change over to this?

Let me know if there is any additional information required.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Well-Known Member
Coco has no nutritional value.
Unlike soil mediums that provide nutes for seedlings, coco requires feeding a little sooner.
I use a coco/peat mix and start with 1/4 strength nutes after around 10 days.
I watch the cotyledon leaves until they start to shrivel.
Your seedling draws from those in the beginning.
It's hard to tell without pics and temperatures.
It could be a variety of different problems. You said your growing in a old pc case, so it could be something do with ventilation. And you said the leaves are turing black … thats not the outcome of over watering. And Rocky is right coco has absolutely no nutritional value for seedlings. I had seedlings in ffof soil because it has nutrients in the soil that a plant in the early stages of life needs. My best advice would be to throw up some pictures so different people can get a look and hopefully let you know what the problem is. I did that in a forum when i had a problem and many people gave me advice and feedback as to what i should do. If no pics, I would say either start adding a diluted nutrient formula or move to a good soil medium. Hope this helps, good luck. Also if your going to get serious with this, I'd look for a new spot to do it.


Thanks for the replies, I'll definitely look into getting a tent.

I cannot seem to edit my OP is here are the photos:


Well-Known Member
ouch! how hot is your box getting? does it have any airflow?

Heres my recommendation....Read and study more. Buy a tent, T5 for veg, HPS for bloom, Carbon filter, Fan that matches Filter, air-cooled hood and last switch over to soil. Grab a bag of fox farm light warrior to start your seeds. Switch over to a HP promix base mixed with fox farm ocean forest mixed per stage in life of plant...


My box isn't getting too hot, I'd say about 20/21 degrees C.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of money to spend(~£200) so I'd be getting 1 tent, carbon filter, fan etc. I would like to keep things simple on my first grow with minimal risk so I don't think it would be good for me to be moving the plant after veg. Thanks for your input and if my first grow goes well I'll bear it in mind.


Well-Known Member
Removes hat, and a moment of silence for the poor little thing.
That seedling looks pretty bad.
What method did you use to germinate it?
Coco can be tough to grow in for first time growers, when you try again, use soil.
mix some peat based soil less mix with some fox farms ocean forest at 50-50 ratio.
Moisten the soil and let it be for a few days, then repeat. (moisten, and let be)
Your seedlings should do a lot better. ~Good Luck


I germinated just between 2 damp paper towels. From what I've been told, the plant is suffering due to lack of light and I realise (now) that I don't have nearly enough in the way of lighting to grow a plant.

As a result of this, I bought a tent, fan, carbon filter, HPS light and soil (same brand as my nutes) so hopefully this will make a difference.

When I setup the tent etc, will ~9'' from the plant be sufficient? Also, would you recommend staying with 1 plant for my first grow or should I attempt to grow 2/3? Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks again for the help you've given me, it's very much appreciated.


Active Member
~Plays Taps~

Take a peek @ my journal. I grow in coco and built my own tent, you may get some valuable information.

PM me if you have questions!



Active Member
I germinated just between 2 damp paper towels. From what I've been told, the plant is suffering due to lack of light and I realise (now) that I don't have nearly enough in the way of lighting to grow a plant.

As a result of this, I bought a tent, fan, carbon filter, HPS light and soil (same brand as my nutes) so hopefully this will make a difference.

When I setup the tent etc, will ~9'' from the plant be sufficient? Also, would you recommend staying with 1 plant for my first grow or should I attempt to grow 2/3? Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks again for the help you've given me, it's very much appreciated.
I think you'll be happy with your decision here.

I would get as many plants in the tent as you can or are allowed to have. If you want you can try different things out and see how they react differently to different amounts of nutes or frequency of watering. Its your first go so try to learn as much as you can.

If they get to big you can always remove the smallest 1. thats a much better problem to have than having your only plant die on you.

And dont germinate in a paper towel. Fill a glass up with water, let the seeds soak til they sink. usually about 10 hours. Put straight in to soil. No need to add an extra step


Well-Known Member
I figured you did the paper towel thing, and left them in there too long.. thats why I asked.
As stan suggested, soak the seed, then soil is best.

Also, you said you bought "soil" .. same brand as your nutes...
... exactly what soil and nutes do you have?
if it is a soil less mixture, then using nutes is ok, but if it is true soil..
.. the soil should have nutrients in it, already.
If you feed with nutes and have rich soil, you will kill plants again.
Keep in mind that new seedlings don't need much nutrients at all (if any), and feeding them early will kill them.
Good Luck:weed: